Planet Kids

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About Planet Kids

Name Planet Kids
Address Wildground County Junior School, Armitage Avenue, Dibden Purlieu, SOUTHAMPTON, SO45 4LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children immediately settle in and feel relaxed as they arrive. They are warmly welcomed by staff who know each child well. Children eagerly tell staff about their day and what they have done at school.

Staff listen attentively and are keen to engage children in conversation. They model language well. Children have access to a wide range of activities that are based on their interests.

They tell the inspector that they especially enjoy cooking. There are also resources that appeal to different ages. For example, children who are colouring can use chubby pens as well as thin gel pens.

All children are highly focuse...d and engaged throughout the afternoon. They ask for 'just a little longer' when it is time to go home as they are highly engrossed in their play. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.

Children behave exceptionally well and are polite and courteous. They treat each other with respect. Staff skillfully help children to resolve conflicts and minor disagreements.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have secure attachments with all staff. They feel safe and secure in the setting. Staff are shared between the different settings run by Planet Kids regularly so that children can get to know all staff well.

Staff provide a healthy and nutritious snack. Snack time is a sociable occasion. Children sit and talk with each other and staff about their day.

They are given choices and are encouraged to try new fruits and vegetables. Snack time demonstrates how staff help children to develop their independence skills. For example, children butter their own toast and show excellent control over the knife as they spread the butter.

Children have lots of opportunities to support their physical development. There is an extensive outdoor area. Children confidently demonstrate their climbing and balancing skills as they play.

Children work together to create a game using a football. They encourage each other and cheer when they succeed.Staff have created good community links.

For example, children try knitting baby cannula covers for the local hospital.There are good partnerships with the school. Staff share information with the school about individual children.

They use this information to ensure each child's individual needs are met.Opportunities to fully expand and support children's understanding and appreciation of diversity are not fully developed. For example, staff do not challenge children's views when they start to discuss particular stereotypes.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities have their needs well met. Staff automatically adapt their practice for each child. They use what they learn from training to support children with particular needs.

There is excellent communication between staff and parents. Staff also ensure messages from school are passed on quickly and effectively. Parents report that children find the club fun and relaxing.

Parents talk highly of the social skills their children have learned at the club.The management team ensures that staff well-being is of the highest importance. The childcare manager holds regular supervision meetings with staff.

This provides staff with time to discuss their well-being, performance and any concerns or worries they may have. Staff tell the inspector they feel very well supported. They explain that the staff are happy and work well with each other.

Members of the management team are regularly looking for ways to enhance the provision further. They take into account the views of children, parents and staff, and frequently reflect to ensure they are providing interesting and challenging activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff have an excellent knowledge of safeguarding. They know the signs and symptoms of abuse. All staff know how to share any safeguarding concerns.

They take part in regular safeguarding training. The management team is aware of the dangers posed by the latest internet crazes. This information is cascaded to all staff to ensure they have a good understanding of how to keep children safe on the internet.

Staff also provide parents with information on internet safety. The childcare manager has an excellent understanding of safer recruitment processes. There is a robust employment and induction process which ensures the suitability of staff.

Also at this postcode
Wildground Junior School

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