Planet Kids CIC

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About Planet Kids CIC

Name Planet Kids CIC
Address Blackfield Primary School, Hampton Lane, Southampton, Hampshire, SO45 1XA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy to see staff as they enter the after-school club. They greet them with a smile and store their belongings together.

Children are keen to engage in play and look around the rooms, choosing where to play and what to play with. They are confident in the club environment and quickly settle to relax and play. Children know the expectations staff have for them.

They listen to instructions as they prepare a healthy snack. For example, children know not to put too much honey on their toast. In addition, staff provide children with the opportunity to create their own rules for the club.

This allows them know the difference between right and wrong. Children are kind and considerate to others and offer help and support to their friends. For instance, older children support the younger ones to put on their coats before they go out to the playground.

Children of all ages play together. They enjoy exciting activities, such as football, decorating cakes and using craft resources. Children can relax or join in with activities.

For example, older children choose to read their favourite books in a comfortable area. Younger children show an interest in dinosaurs and give a running commentary as they play. There is something for all children in the well-planned club.

Children talk positively about their time at Planet Kids. They say that it is 'great fun' and they are always busy engaging in activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has clear aims for the club.

She provides a safe space for children to relax and learn through play. Staff contribute to the daily running of the club. For example, children learn about different events and celebrations through well-planned topics.

Staff provide an environment where they value and respect children. For example, children have a 'talk to me' box where they can post their opinions. This helps to boost children's self-worth and self-esteem.

Staff are good role models. They have a calm and consistent approach. Staff work hard to give children choices to be active or relax.

Children spend lots of time concentrating and engaging in tasks of their own choice. For example, some children are happy making colourful snakes, while others are happy playing card games with staff. This shows that children are content and self-reliant.

Staff devise innovative ways to make activities fun. Children enjoy the opportunities to play outside. They enjoy playing ball games and exploring the playground in a variety of ways.

For example, children take part in using climbing apparatus that supports physical skills. Children excitedly play hopscotch and confidently shout out numbers as they negotiate the large squares. This causes great enjoyment as well as promoting a healthy competitive spirit.

Staff offer children healthy snacks and drinks when they arrive at the club. This includes a variety of fruit, toast, and crackers. Children have water or milk to drink.

Staff encourage children to sit at the table with their friends. They chat among themselves and clearly express their thoughts about healthy foods.Staff regularly take part in supervision meetings to discuss the development of their practice and review any online training that is available to them.

This helps to further staff's knowledge and skills. In addition, they comment positively on the good teamwork at the club and say they feel supported in their well-being.Parents speak positively about the club.

Staff use daily conversations to inform parents about children's time at the club. Parents say that children enjoy the variety of exciting topics to learn about. For example, they speak about watching wildlife programmes at home after learning about Steve Irwin.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider ensures they update the required training to fulfil their safeguarding role. They provide staff with ongoing guidance and support to ensure that staff know how to protect children from harm.

Staff have a good understanding of how to recognise potential signs of abuse. They know the procedures to follow should they have concerns about a child's welfare or the conduct of a member of staff. Recruitment procedures are thorough, and the provider maintains information about staff suitability.

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