Play Aloud Samuel Lucas

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About Play Aloud Samuel Lucas

Name Play Aloud Samuel Lucas
Address Samuel Lucas Junior Middle And Infant School, Gaping Lane, Hitchin, SG5 2JQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children relish their time at this vibrant, welcoming setting. Thoughtful procedures, such as designated base areas for each age group, help children to settle quickly and feel secure and confident.

Children build warm relationships with staff. They mirror the excellent example set by staff and show genuine concern and consideration for one another. They readily share toys and competently organise their play.

This sensitive interaction supports children in building the skills that aid their learning. Thoughtful daily routines help to build children's confidence. For example, each day, older children read to the younger one...s.

Both age groups enjoy this time, showing respect and courtesy as they read and listen.Staff are sensitive to the possible effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns. They offer extra support to children in dealing with transition times and in understanding and managing their behaviour.

Children are learning about healthy practices. They listen to stories that help them understand the importance of cleaning their teeth. Children are excited about their play and persevere, particularly when learning new skills.

For instance, children work hard to catch a ball in hooped rackets. They are pleased when they succeed and congratulate each other, going on to count the number of times they catch the ball.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager demonstrates a genuine enjoyment of her work.

Staff reflect her enthusiasm and are excited, diligent and sensitive in their interactions with children. The manager is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the setting and identifies good practice and areas for further development. For instance, she has plans to add low coat hooks so that younger children can be more independent in managing their coats and belongings.

Staff well-being is sensitively considered and the manager offers regular, practical supervision, where staff can discuss any concerns and further develop their practice. The manager aids staff in supporting children and in ensuring that each child is offered a good balance of opportunities to play, relax and build on the skills that support their learning.Partnership working with the school is exemplary.

The manager and staff take time to work closely with the headteacher and class teachers. They understand children's needs and follow the same procedures used by the school. Staff pay similar attention to building friendly, professional relationships with parents.

These excellent partnerships ensure a very good continuity of care for children and support all involved in working together to promote children's development and well-being.Staff support children in building a love of books. Children listen intently as a staff member reads with animation and enthusiasm.

The children eagerly share and hold up props and puppets at the right time, confidently joining in with repeated words and predicting what happens next.Staff pay attention to what children are saying and encourage them to expand on their conversations. This supports children's communication skills and they talk confidently, for example, when explaining their play to staff and other children.

Staff interact well with the children, helping them to relax and enjoy their time at the setting. For instance, children explore a role-play doctor's set. They laugh and chatter animatedly as they pretend to give injections and listen to a staff member's heartbeat.

Children have many practical opportunities that support them in understanding other beliefs and ways of life. For example, they work together to make handprints to decorate a dragon for Chinese New Year. They use boxes to make a large dragon and go on to research music and traditional dances, performing these for other children.

Children learn to state their views and to consider the views and needs of others. Staff include children in making decisions, such as which new resources to purchase. Children state whether they have enjoyed the activities and staff use this feedback when planning further.

Parents speak highly of the setting. They praise staff and feel that they genuinely understand and include each child. They report that staff use a number of ways to communicate with parents, ensuring that parents always know what children have been doing and can update staff at any time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager takes the setting's role in safeguarding children very seriously. She makes sure that staff consider all aspects of children's safety and welfare, such as the layout of the hall and the effectiveness of their policies.

Staff show a very clear understanding of safeguarding, keeping this knowledge up to date through completing training and engaging in discussions during daily staff meetings. Additionally, staff understand wider safeguarding issues, such as the effects of radicalisation and extreme practices. They appreciate the possible risks associated with use of the internet and take effective action to protect children and to help them understand how to use the internet safely.

Also at this postcode
Samuel Lucas Junior Mixed and Infant School

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