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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff create a safe and calm environment, where children feel happy and emotionally secure. The effective settling-in procedures help children build confidence and feel at home in the nursery. Children of all ages develop strong, affectionate relationships with both the staff and their peers.
The staff communicate with children kindly and respectfully, which encourages consistent good behaviour. Children demonstrate good manners, follow instructions, and have a clear understanding of the nursery rules. Staff plan interactive story sessions using props and sing action songs and rhymes while enthusiastically participating alongsi...de the children.
Overall, staff effectively support children's communication and language development, including those who speak English as an additional language. Staff develop an ambitious curriculum that includes engaging activities tailored to the interests and individual needs of the children. Children focus well and become deeply involved in the activities they select.
For instance, staff assist children in creating junk models and encourage them to share resources by promoting side-by-side play. Staff demonstrate how to use materials to the children, such as glueing paper shapes and applying stickers to their models. Staff develop older children's early writing skills.
They have good pencil grip and control when using a range of drawing and mark-making tools. All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make good progress and are well prepared for school.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The staff have a good understanding of each child's individual needs and interests.
They carefully observe and assess what each child has achieved. Staff plan a variety of engaging activities that cover all areas of the curriculum. However, they do not always use the information they gather about children's learning consistently.
As a result, activities do not always align with the children's abilities or the next steps in their development.Staff encourage activities that immerse children in rich language, such as singing, reading stories, and engaging in role play. However, staff sometimes use baby words, such as 'birdie', and do not always introduce children to the real words.
For example, when a child uses the word 'bunny' staff do not introduce the word 'rabbit', as the proper name for the animal. They also overlook whether children can pronounce words, like 'xylophone', while teaching letter-object matching. This means that children do not make the best possible progress with their vocabulary and language development.
Staff introduce early mathematics by counting the blocks and using language related to size and colour. They also provide various toys that encourage both young children and those with SEND to explore independently. Children investigate with curiosity.
For example, they are fascinated by sensory bottles that contain different liquids and objects.Staff promote healthy lifestyles. They inform parents about nutritious foods for children's lunches and the importance of daily toothbrushing.
Staff provide a variety of well-balanced snacks throughout the day. They also teach children that daily toothbrushing and consuming fruits and vegetables are essential for their health.Leaders and staff maintain strong partnerships with parents.
Before their children start at the nursery, parents receive comprehensive information about the setting. Upon admission, staff gather extensive details about each child's background and development. There are daily opportunities for verbal communication, along with regular newsletters and weekly progress updates.
Parents express their delight with the care provided to their children.Leaders and staff are motivated and ambitious in their pursuit of continuous improvement within the organisation. They effectively utilise self-evaluation and value the opinions of staff, parents, and professionals in this process.
They are committed to ongoing professional development and consistently update their skills to enhance the learning environment.Children benefit greatly from daily outdoor play, which helps them develop their exploration and physical skills. They also enjoy a variety of activities outside the nursery.
For example, they learn about different community members and their roles. Staff organise visits to locations such as the local pharmacy, fire station, market, and library. This approach fosters a positive attitude towards diversity among the children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make accurate use of what is known about children in order to plan even more opportunities to support their individual abilities and next steps more fully support staff to model language correctly to children as they play in order to build on children's vocabulary and language development.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.