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45 Comeragh Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9HT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children have a wonderful time in this highly stimulating and welcoming environment. Staff have consistently high expectations for every child's learning.
Children are extremely motivated to learn and are eager to join in the high-quality activities on offer. Staff encourage children to make choices, and children's needs and interests are the centre of all they do. For example, children showed their fascination in modes of transport.
They excitedly talked about their visit to the local underground station and looked at photos of their trip. They studied tube maps and eagerly selected resources to make pictures o...f different tube lines. Leaders place a high focus on creative play.
For example, children greatly enjoyed making mud trays and added natural materials which they had collected on nature walks. Home visits provide excellent opportunities for children to meet their key person and prepare them for their start at nursery. Children are very secure, settled and happy.
Their behaviour is exemplary. Staff are excellent role models. They are nurturing and help children learn right from wrong.
Children are very polite, play cooperatively and interact warmly with each other, staff and visitors
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff are highly reflective and evaluate the service they provide effectively. Staff implement a well-thought-out, ambitious curriculum. They have an exceptional understanding of the needs and interests of the children who attend and know what they want children to learn.
Children freely explore and enjoy all the resources on offer.Leaders have identified communication and language as a priority. Staff listen carefully to children and are very skilful at introducing new vocabulary.
They model the correct use of language, teach phonics and help children learn how to pronounce words. Children speak with confidence, persevering until they succeed as they sound the letters in their names. Children who speak English as an additional language are very well supported by bilingual staff.
Partnerships with parents are very strong. Staff keep parents well informed about their children's learning through a variety of ways. They share their observations, photographs and assessments of children, as well as information on current projects.
Staff suggest ways in which parents can extend and support their children's learning at home. Parents speak very highly of the professional, supportive staff. They comment that their children love coming to nursery and are making strong progress.
Staff enjoy working in the nursery. They say they are valued and well supported. Leaders act with integrity and consider the well-being of staff.
Staff greatly benefit from regular supervision, development opportunities and daily support they receive from leaders. Staff appreciate the non-contact time to complete training and manage their work.Children develop a rich understanding of people and families beyond their own.
They learn about different faiths and celebrate a variety of festivals. Staff challenge stereotypes. Children become deeply engaged in the weekly French classes.
They confidently repeat phrases in French and sing songs from memory. They show great respect for each other and talk confidently during activities.Staff provide a wealth of opportunities to help enrich children's experiences and understanding of healthy lifestyles.
Children benefit from daily fresh air and exercise. They enjoy the free flow to the outdoor area. Children make trips to parks, climb and explore nature and have opportunities to go swimming.
For example, they became engrossed as they played with real fruit and vegetables in the home corner. One child excitedly explained that peppers are a healthy food and the seeds inside will 'grow and grow'. Children show high levels of independence.
They set the tables for lunch and self-serve nutritious food.Children behave extremely well, develop positive attitudes to their play and are eager to learn. All children make rapid progress in relation to their starting points.
They are very well prepared for their move to school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders implement safer recruitment procedures.
When appointing new staff, the manager follows through their recruitment process to ensure that staff are suitable and have the skills they need. Staff demonstrate a highly secure understanding of procedures to keep children safe. They complete safeguarding training and take part in quizzes to keep their knowledge up to date.
All staff knows the signs which may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They understand how to report concerns. The staff compete regular risk assessments to ensure that children remain safe and secure.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.