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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the setting with smiles on their faces. They are happy to see staff and are excited to find out what activities are on offer that day.
Older children are given age-appropriate responsibilities. They walk independently from their classrooms to the setting, which is located near the school hall. Younger children show their secure relationships with staff as they are collected from their classroom door.
Children confidently respond when their name is called from the register, which staff maintain to keep children safe.Children engage quickly in activities of their choosing. Older children concentrate for lo...ng periods of time as they make decorations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
They show their practical skills as they use a ruler to measure out the sections of a Union Jack flag. Younger children are proud to show staff the paper chains that they have made. Children feel valued as they explain to visitors that their decorations will be displayed at a tea party.
Staff plan activities which build on the topics that children learn about in school. They support children to share their knowledge about the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff provide opportunities for children to be involved in the running of the setting.
A children's health and safety officer has been recruited. Each day, this child uses a checklist that they have created with staff, to make sure the play environment is free from risks. Children explain to visitors that they check for hazards, such as water on the floor because people could slip.
They comment that they would tell a member of staff if they identify something that might be unsafe. This supports children to feel valued, develop a sense of responsibility and the skills that they need for later life.Staff use positive behaviour management strategies to maintain a happy setting.
Each week, a different child is awarded the 'Rainbow Award' for their positive contributions. Staff recognise ongoing good behaviour by giving children points, which children exchange for awards each term. Parents can also award points, via an online app, for positive things that children do at home.
This system motivates children to develop their character in a positive way, both at home and in the setting.The manager contributes to the wider school community, and beyond. She writes articles for the school newsletter to celebrate the successes of staff and children.
She organises fundraising events to raise money for charities. The headteacher from the on-site school speaks highly of the partnership working systems in place. This helps create a flourishing environment in which children learn.
Staff provide children with many opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles. Children enjoy being outside in the fresh air and play games that help them keep fit, such as football. Staff involve children in decisions about the types of healthy food that will feature on the snack menu.
The manager has arranged for staff to further their professional development. She provides opportunities for staff to complete training that is relevant to their roles and is of interest to staff. For example, early years training has been organised for a member of staff who leads on providing the care for younger children.
This member of staff is the key person for all children in their reception year of school. This means that tailored support is given to the youngest children as they begin their time at the setting.The manager strives for strong partnership working between staff and parents.
Staff make timely referrals to services that offer extra support to families when this is needed. They communicate with parents effectively and share daily information about children's care and activity. Parents say that they are very happy with the service that the staff provide.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager pays high regard to ensuring children are kept safe. Staff know the signs to look out for which suggest a child might be at risk.
This includes being aware of children's online activity and the risks associated with using the internet. They know what to do if they have a concern of this nature. The manager asks daily safeguarding questions to ensure staff's ongoing knowledge and understanding.
Staff ensure that children play in a safe environment. Robust recruitment procedures are in place. The manager checks staff's ongoing suitability to fulfil their roles.