Playtarium at St Jo’s

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About Playtarium at St Jo’s

Name Playtarium at St Jo’s
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Josephs Catholic Primary School, Gardenia Avenue, Luton, LU3 2NS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Luton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • Staff create a welcoming environment for children to relax and play. Children choose from a variety of resources and welcome staff's contributions to their games and craft activities.

• Providers drive continual improvements with the manager. For example, they seek focused guidance from other organisations to help them review policies and update and strengthen the information in their staff handbook. • The manager and staff encourage children to consider others in the local and wider community.

Children vote to support a charity. They work together and sell craft items they have made in the club to raise funds for the charity. • Children behave we...ll.

Staff encourage them to set ground rules for everyone to follow. Children create posters to help remind themselves and others of the values they selected. • Staff recognise children's different ages and stages of development.

Staff make time for children to spend time with others of a similar age. This helps to provide the youngest children with opportunities to play and explore at their own pace in a more relaxed and quieter environment. It is not yet outstanding because: • Some of the outdoor areas are not used as well as possible for children who prefer to play outside, to aid them in extending their interests and enhancing their already good-quality interactions to the highest level.

Also at this postcode
PLAYtarium at St Jo’s St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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