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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff provide a safe, warm and nurturing environment.
Children arrive happy and are eager to participate. Staff prioritise the emotional well-being of any new children starting and any children who arrive late, to ensure that they are warmly welcomed. They receive the individual attention they need to help them settle and make the most of the activities on offer.
Staff encourage children to talk daily about how they are feeling and discuss their home lives. They teach children to be kind to others and respect their differences. Staff provide an environment that offers engaging activities, and children are given the tim...e to explore and make choices.
For example, children independently play with the pretend toolset, negotiating and leading their play. Others are creatively guided to think about the flavours of the drinks they create in the role-play area. For example, children pretend to change the flavours of their drinks by magic and use words such as 'vanilla', 'blackcurrant' and 'lemon'.
Staff make learning fun and place a strong focus on promoting children's language during their interactions. Staff have high expectations of children, and the activities provided appeal to all children. Staff skilfully use the popular indoor physical area to help extend children's learning across the curriculum.
For example, children consider the colour and speed of the cars as they roll them down the slide.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff use children's assessment information and their knowledge of what children like to do to provide activities that inspire children to learn and help them make progress. Staff successfully use the learning environment and children's play to extend their learning in all areas through their spontaneous interactions.
Promoting children's communication and language development is a clear priority and forms the base of the curriculum provided. For example, books, stories and singing sessions are skilfully woven into the session. Staff help children of all ages and abilities to enjoy and take part in singing songs and rhymes.
For example, children jump with delight as they pretend to be the various coloured tractors and sing along. Staff carefully select books that are linked to children's interests, the changing seasons and upcoming events. For example, children have their firm favourites and often request to look at books during the session and show high levels of interest.
Staff have a deep knowledge of the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and carefully consider their needs when planning daily. They work closely with any other professionals involved and incorporate any specified targets into the activities provided. Staff work closely with parents to identify any children who may need additional support or intervention to help close gaps in their learning.
They take a lead in helping parents to obtain the support they need and make any referrals for additional help.Leaders work directly with children alongside the staff team. They constantly review the care and education provided, and guide staff to develop their teaching.
Staff are positive about the support and regular supervision sessions they receive.Parents are kept well informed about children's care and the activities provided. They report that their children make good progress, particularly in their language, social skills and confidence.
Staff know their assigned key children and carefully monitor children's progress and identify their next steps in learning. However, staff do not regularly share this useful information with parents to keep them up to date and help them further support their children's learning at home.Promoting children's physical health is a high priority in some aspects of practice.
Staff provide ample opportunities for children to increase their physical skills indoors and outdoors. For example, children energetically run around and chase their friends, while others are busy scooping the fallen leaves into the wheelbarrow. Staff target promoting children's finger, hand and arm strength through the activities provided to promote children's early writing skills.
Staff check children's packed lunches daily to ensure that children have sufficient food to eat. However, staff do not work closely with parents to help reduce the sugar content of what is provided. In addition, the snacks that are provided by staff also include a number of high-sugar foods and drinks, such as biscuits, cereals and squash.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: neducate staff and work with parents to help reduce the quantity of sugar provided to children in their lunch, snacks and drinks consistently share information with parents about children's progress and next steps in learning to keep them better informed and to help them further support their children's learning at home.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.