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About Podz

Name Podz
Address The Old Stone Barn, Westfiled Terrace, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, NN10 8BB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the after-school club happy and keen to share news from their day at school.

They quickly settle into a variety of activities. Children work in small groups to continue with a puzzle. They explore the cornflour and water mixture in a large tray and talk about it feeling 'satisfying' as it drips from their fingers.

Children place their whole hands into it and watch as it moves around the tray. Children are comfortable with the staff to request different activities. For example, children ask to play bingo.

Children excitedly look to see if they have the correct number. Children's behaviour is good.... Older children eagerly support younger children with activities.

For example, they point out to younger children easier balls to hit when playing pool.Children understand the routines at the after-school club. They know they need to wash their hands before having their snack.

Children choose what they would like to eat from the fruit available. They approach visitors confidently to speak with them. They talk about what they are making and what they need to use to complete their project.

For example, needing tape to attach two parts to make a hammer.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The after-school club is well managed. The owner ensures that the children remain a priority and that their needs are always met.

She feels that children experience structure during their school day and she likes them to feel more relaxed while attending the club.All staff have a good understanding of special educational needs and/or disabilities. They recognise the importance of working with parents and other professionals.

Staff attend support meetings to ensure that all children receive the correct support. This enables children to reach their full potential while attending the club.Staff skilfully support children to write the rules for the club.

The rules are on display around the building. This helps children to have a sense of ownership and belonging.Children access an electronic games console.

They are always supervised by a member of staff to ensure they remain safe. Children talk about how fast their motorcycles are going on the game and how they would like to have a motorcycle when they are older. Staff discuss about being safe while using motorcycles.

Staff help children learn how to use different resources. For example, a member of staff models how to use a tape dispenser. Children competently repeat the actions, enabling them to complete their craft project.

Staff have a good relationship with the school. They share relevant information during drop off and collection times. This allows a smooth transition to happen from school to after-school club for the children.

Parents speak highly about the staff. They state that communication is always good. Parents like the variety of activities available to their children and the relaxed environment.

They talk about how much their children enjoy visiting the local park or using the outdoor area attached to the club.Parents and children are regularly provided with questionnaires. This allows parents to provide feedback about what is being provided at the club.

For example, parents enjoy the flexibility of sessions. Children feedback about activities they have enjoyed, what they would like to do more of and things they would like changed. For example, children state they do not want to do homework while at the after-school club.

Staff feel well supported by the owner. They undertake discussions at the beginning and end of each session. This allows time for sharing information about concerns or ideas for activities.

Staff are aware they can speak to the owner if they have any issues and recognise that she will provide support for them.All staff undertake further training to enhance their already existing knowledge. For example, staff have completed disability awareness and first-aid training.

The owner ensures that training undertaken will meet the needs of the children attending and provide further development for the staff members.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a good understanding of how to protect the children in their care.

Staff recognise the signs of abuse and know how to make a referral. They understand the importance of maintaining accurate records. Staff understand their role in regard to the 'Prevent' duty and wider safeguarding issues.

The owner has a robust recruitment process in place. References and all relevant checks are undertaken to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. All staff are clear about what they would do if they had a concern about a colleague.

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