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Arthington Village hall, Holme View Arthington, Otley, LS21 1PQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Leaders and staff have developed an engaging and vibrant pre-school that positively supports children's well-being. Children feel safe, secure and eager to learn.
They confidently enter with big smiles and are excited to play with their friends. During the day, older children seek out their key person to help them with activities. For example, they ask for help to complete puzzles.
Younger children cuddle their key person for reassurance when they are feeling sad. This shows that there is an effective key-person system in place. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.
They join in their play and ...demonstrate how to use equipment carefully and to consider their friends. Children learn how to wait patiently for their favourite toys as they develop an understanding and respect for the differing needs of their friends. As a result, children learn to behave well, take turns and play cooperatively with their friends.
Staff understand each child's unique and different starting points in development. Through their observations, talking with parents and listening to children, staff build their knowledge of what children need. They use this to help them to prepare a curriculum that is interesting and engages children well.
Staff skilfully help children to build on their learning during their play. For example, when children count toy cars, staff extend this learning by asking children to add one more. The pre-school is full of happy chatter between staff and children.
Staff talk and read books often with children. They comment thoughtfully on children's play and provide them with important words to support their growing vocabulary. Lots of singing can be heard and children request their favourite songs and rhymes as they sing along with staff.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff weave early mathematical concepts successfully into children's play and during routines. For example, they encourage children to identify different shapes and numbers in the environment. Outside, older children confidently discuss concepts, such as volume and capacity, when pouring water.
Younger children sing and take part in number rhymes with staff. As a result, children develop particularly well in this area and are well prepared for their next stage in education, such as starting school.Staff promote children's good health well, and children thoroughly enjoy being physically active.
They have plenty of opportunities for fresh air and enjoy a range of activities in the outdoor area. Older children enjoy throwing and catching balls. They practise pedalling and manoeuvring wheeled vehicles along the path.
Inside, children take part in basic yoga sessions to encourage coordination, strength and balance.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are very well supported. Leaders work closely with staff and other professionals to implement individual support plans for children who need them.
They make timely referrals to outside agencies when needed. This helps to ensure that children with gaps in their development receive swift intervention.Overall, staff understand the importance of supporting children to become independent learners.
They maintain an environment and routine that allows children the opportunity to undertake tasks that promote their self-care skills. For instance, children put on their own coats before going outside. They choose if they would like milk or water with their snack.
However, staff do not always develop children's independence skills, such as pouring their own drinks or selecting their own snack.Partnerships with parents are a strength of the pre-school. Parents say that their children are thriving and receive exceptional care.
They state that staff offer children frequent praise and encouragement. Parents welcome the effective communication they receive about their children's progress. Staff provide information to help parents to support their children's learning further at home.
All staff have a secure understanding of safeguarding and child protection. The premises are clean, safe and secure. Staff implement effective hygiene procedures.
Children confidently tell the inspector why they need to wash their hands before eating. Children begin to consider ways of keeping themselves safe. They regularly discuss road safety and how they can be safe inside the pre-school, for example explaining why they do not run inside.
Dedicated leaders constantly review their practice. They seek feedback from parents through discussions and questionnaires. Staff ask children what they enjoy and what they would like to do differently.
All staff receive a thorough induction when they start and have access to a range of professional development opportunities. This ensures that they keep up to date with any changes and feel knowledgeable in their role. Staff comment that they feel well supported by leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide even more opportunities for older children to develop their independence, such as by considering ways to develop snack arrangements for them.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.