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Venture Community Association, 103a Wornington Rd, London, W10 5YB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff are very warm and nurturing. They provide children with lots of praise and encouragement. This motivates children to play well.
Staff promote children's good behaviour. They teach children how to use tools and equipment safely. This is evident during activities, such as when children explore play dough resources.
Children are happy. For example, they laugh and giggle while chasing each other during outdoor play. Other children enjoy playing with balls, practising their catching and kicking skills.
They also delight in playing group games, such as 'What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?', which supports their physica...l skills effectively.Staff have a well-defined and ambitious curriculum.
They understand what to teach all children, including those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged, to ensure that no one falls behind. For example, they actively help children reach typical levels of development, especially their communication skills. Staff ensure children gain strong self-care and independence.
Children manage age-appropriate responsibilities, including their toileting needs. They learn to put on their coats without needing much support. Children have good opportunities to develop their mathematical skills.
During planned activities, they remember how to use numbers and measurements, such as 'halves' and 'wholes'. Children have positive attitudes towards learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team is dedicated to delivering high-quality education and care.
They have a deep understanding of the community they serve and have developed a clear and ambitious curriculum for all children. For instance, the management aims for all children to have strong connections with staff to build on their social interactions. They work hard to settle in children and make them feel secure.
This supports children's emotional well-being effectively.Staff have high expectations for all children. They know children well because they observe and assess their development regularly.
This enables them to identify children who may need extra support, such as those with speech delays. This approach helps staff address gaps in children's learning. Children make good progress from their initial starting points.
For example, both staff and parents agree that children's behaviour and confidence have significantly improved since they joined the nursery.All staff get along well. They report being highly satisfied with the support and coaching they receive from the management.
This creates a welcoming and positive atmosphere. However, the management team has not yet determined how to help staff use questioning to encourage children to connect their ideas further.Children behave well.
They interact positively with others and have learned to use polite words, such as 'please' and 'thank you'.Staff supervise children effectively. They play with children and engage them in meaningful conversations.
However, staff have not fully considered how to support all children, specifically those who are quiet or reluctant to participate in activities. This means some children do not gain as much as others from all the learning experiences.The management team consists of dedicated professionals who consistently implement positive changes for the benefit of children.
Since the last inspection, they have enhanced their knowledge through training, ensuring that mathematics is integrated into daily routines. As a result, children have developed a love for numbers, which supports their counting skills. The management team is evaluating the outdoor area to provide children with more opportunities for digging and exploring various plants.
This is to foster children's curiosity and understanding of nature further.Parents and grandparents have a very positive view of the nursery staff. They appreciate that staff are kind and approachable.
This makes it easier for parents to support their children at home. For instance, staff engage with parents to discuss effective ways to assist with their children's toileting and sleeping routines. This practice promotes a consistent approach to children's education and care needs.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend support for staff so that they develop effective questioning techniques that help children to connect ideas further develop staff's engagement with children, particularly those who are quiet or reluctant to participate in activities.