Poppleton Rd Playgroup

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About Poppleton Rd Playgroup

Name Poppleton Rd Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Annex, Poppleton Rd Primary School, Poppleton Rd, York, YO26 4UP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority York
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are stimulated and motivated to learn in this busy playgroup. They benefit from a well-organised environment and well-planned curriculum that focuses on their next steps in learning.

Carefully thought out resources capture their interest. For example, children develop their understanding of technology when they use cameras to record their learning. They have created a book of photos which they share with parents and use to look back and remember previous learning.

Children behave very well. They are supported by calm and patient staff who help them to manage their behaviour. Children begin to understand the im...pact that their actions have on others.

They learn to be kind, share and play cooperatively. Children are learning that they live in a diverse community and to be respectful and tolerant of others. Children benefit from playing outside in the fresh air in all weathers.

They also enjoy activities provided by outside agencies that focus on their physical development. They learn to work together as a team, listen to instructions and how to line up. Children sit with staff to have their lunch.

This is an opportunity for conversations in small groups, and it shows children that mealtimes can be a social occasion. All children make good progress from their starting points and are well prepared for the eventual move to school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

New committee members and a new manager in the playgroup work together with staff to continually make improvements to care and learning experiences for children.

Leaders continually evaluate the setting and are fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses within their practice. They place a strong focus on developing staff's confidence and self-esteem. They have implemented an effective programme of professional development that is supporting all staff to improve their practice.

The playgroup works in close partnership with teachers to prepare children for the move on to school. Children learn basic phonics, how to behave and how to play with other children. They begin to understand why good hygiene is important, and become independent in personal care routines.

The playgroup has introduced activities that reflect those children will encounter in school. For instance, children use number blocks. Younger children start to recognise numbers and begin to understand quantities.

Older children begin to recognise how many objects are in a group without needing to count them. Children safely use resources, such as glue, sticky tape and scissors.Children have access to writing materials.

They use pens and notepads in their role play to take orders in their café. They use large chalks on blackboards to draw and write on a bigger scale. Staff promote children's love of reading.

Children choose a book to take home each week to read with their parents, and staff monitor this to make sure books are changed regularly.Children build on their knowledge of mathematics throughout their play. They learn to solve problems during construction activities.

They use charts to measure their height. They use rulers and tape measures to record how big the towers are that they have made from construction blocks. Staff support children's understanding of time.

They use visual aids, such as sand timers, so that children know when it's nearly time to tidy their toys away or their turn with a toy as ended.Leaders use additional funding well to enhance learning for children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These children benefit from one-to-one support from their key person.

This focuses on children developing the skills they need for school, such as putting on shoes and a coat, and improving their attention and listening skills. This extra support also helps children to participate in lively group activities where they build on their social skills.Overall, staff promote children's communication and language skills highly successfully.

Children demonstrate a broad vocabulary. Staff help them to build sentences during their play, such as 'That's a big starfish'. Staff use pictures to help children with SEND communicate.

However, staff do not provide enough opportunities for children to use their home language in their play and learning.Parents value the care and learning that staff provide. They appreciate the support and advice they receive in managing issues at home, such as unwanted behaviour.

Parents receive regular feedback about their children's progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The playgroup works closely with parents, other professionals and school to make sure children are kept safe and protected.

Staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding and child protection issues, such as children who might be at risk from extreme behaviours. They know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child or an adult. Leaders implement robust recruitment procedures.

Effective induction and support for new staff means that they have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities. Staff remind children of rules that are in place to keep them safe, such as not running indoors.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more opportunities for children to develop and use their home language in play and learning.

Also at this postcode
Poppleton Road Primary School Poppleton Road Out Of School Club

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