Precious Moments Pre-School

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About Precious Moments Pre-School

Name Precious Moments Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 33 Links Road, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV6 3DQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children separate well from their parents and are eager to explore the interesting and well-defined learning environment. They develop close relationships with the adults and seek them out for comfort and play. Children welcome each other warmly and engage in cooperative and collaborative play.

Children move freely about the environment and make independent choices about the resources they play with. They demonstrate focus and become highly engaged in pretend play. For example, children spend prolonged periods of time in the home corner filling, emptying, scooping and mixing, using pasta and a range of containers.

Chil...dren benefit from opportunities to develop their independence and self-care skills. They operate a pump soap dispenser to wash their hands competently and look in the mirror to wipe their faces clean, following mealtimes. Children enjoy talking with their peers during snack and lunchtime, and they successfully peel their own fruit and unwrap food packaging.

Children also learn about oral health. They share a book with staff about going to the dentist and are extremely keen to have a go at using toothbrushes to clean a large set of play teeth.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager implements a clear and purposeful curriculum.

This supports children's individual learning preferences and takes into account their current interests and fascinations. Staff use their knowledge of children to effectively plan for their learning. They develop precise next steps and display them with the children's photos on a learning wall.

This enables staff to provide appropriate play experiences to meet children's unique learning needs across the provision.Children who speak English as an additional language are well supported, and staff members work in close partnership with parents to learn key words in their home language, to ensure children hear familiar words. However, staff do not consistently extend and support children's vocabulary across the wider provision.

They do not routinely introduce new words or model effective use of language linked to children's play. This does not support rapid progress in their communication and language development.Children learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

They independently choose the fruit they want to eat at as a snack during the morning and engage enthusiastically in social interaction with other children and adults, while they sit together. Children delight in sharing a book about healthy eating in a small group and are keen to identify different types of food. They know that honey is good for them and that bumblebees make it.

Staff encourage children to be kind and gentle and remind them of behaviour expectations across the provision. However, staff do not offer children an explanation of why they want them to behave in a particular way, and on occasions staff do not effectively communicate the rules to consistently apply them. This results in children sometimes receiving inconsistent messages, at times making it difficult for them to make the right choices.

Children eagerly join in with singing. They know many traditional rhymes and are keen to choose items from a song bag to share with their peers. Children make immediate connections between the visual clues in the bag and the songs.

For example, as soon as a spider is pulled from the bag the children start to enthusiastically sing songs about a spider.Staff communicate well as a team and work collaboratively to support children's individual needs. A thoughtful and considered key person approach takes into account children's unique needs and personalities.

As a result of these close relationships, children feel safe, nurtured and develop a sense of belonging.Parents are delighted with the service. They comment enthusiastically on the friendly and approachable staff team.

Parents feel well informed about their child's progress and are highly involved in their early learning. They are particularly pleased with their child's induction and warm welcome into the setting.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are confident and knowledgeable about signs and symptoms of abuse, and the action to take to ensure children are safeguarded. They attend regular training and receive frequent updates about the local safeguarding arrangements. Leaders clearly display safeguarding information across the provision.

Staff members are clear about their role and responsibility in protecting children from harm. They understand their duty to prevent families from being drawn into radical behaviour or activity. The designated safeguarding lead has developed comprehensive policies and procedures that they regularly review, and she ensures that staff are well informed and well supported.

There are robust systems in place for recording and reporting any concerns.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff's teaching further to introduce and model new vocabulary consistently to children to enable them to make connections between words and actions and develop their communication and language skills with more precision.refine staff practice to communicate behaviour expectations to children consistently and clearly, to support their understanding of how their actions and words impact others, and further extend their understanding of right from wrong.

Also at this postcode
Precious Moments St Francis Creche

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