Precious People Before/Afterschool club Birches Green

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About Precious People Before/Afterschool club Birches Green

Name Precious People Before/Afterschool club Birches Green
Address Birches Green Infant School, Birches Green Road, Erdington, BIRMINGHAM, B24 9SR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff provide children with a warm welcome when they enter the club.

This helps them to feel emotionally secure and settled. Children quickly become immersed in the wide range of enjoyable experiences on offer at the club. They enjoy using their imaginations, playing in the role-play area that is set up as a doctor's surgery.

Staff support the children to play cooperatively, encouraging them to take turns with the toy medical kit as they pretend to make each other 'better'. Staff support children to join in with arts and craft activities available to them. They sit with children and encourage them to join in, creating pict...ures about people who help us.

Children concentrate and persevere as they choose from the stencils to create their own picture of a police officer or nurse. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. They provide children with clear and age-appropriate explanations.

This helps children to learn the rules and boundaries. Staff fully consider the needs of the children. They plan activities that are based on children's interests and encourage them to make choices from the well-resourced storage areas when they have finished playing with the toys set out.

This helps children to thoroughly enjoy their time at the club playing with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are passionate about what they do. They strive to offer the very best experiences for children after their busy day at school.

For example, staff provide children with opportunities to relax, watching a favourite film with their friends or a choice of activities and games to join in with. Staff involve themselves in children's play and this helps children to get the best from what is on offer.Staff collect younger children from their classrooms at the end of the school day.

They gain information from class teachers to ensure they know what sort of day children have had. An effective key-person system is in place. Staff get to know children and their families well.

This helps staff to provide individual care and learning experiences that complement children's time spent at school.Staff organise the environment well to meet the needs of the children. Children confidently make choices from the range of toys and activities on offer.

They demonstrate that they know the routine of the day. For example, upon arrival they know to place their coats and bags on the benches at the side of the room before choosing where they would like to play.Parents speak exceptionally highly about the club.

They express how happy they are with the staff in the club. They say that they feel that the staff really care for their children. Parents say that their children enjoy attending so much that they ask to stay later or want to attend even when childcare is not needed.

Staff promote children's good health and safety. Children are encouraged to use hand sanitiser before they eat their snacks. They understand the reason they must do this, telling staff it is to stop any germs from their hands getting into their tummy and making them poorly.

Staff remind children of the rules to keep themselves safe, such as using their walking feet indoors and not running to avoid bumping into furniture.Staff support children of all ages to play happily together. Older children invite younger children to join in with their play.

Children tell visitors that they like coming to the club because they like playing with their friends.Leaders offer the staff team support, monitoring, and coaching. Ongoing training opportunities help staff to develop their already good interactions with children.

Staff report that they feel extremely well supported in their roles. They say they enjoy working at the club.Staff supervise children well.

They are deployed well to ensure children's safety. For example, children needing to use the toilet are escorted the short distance down the corridor. Staff ensure they make others aware when they are leaving the room.

This helps to keep children safe.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Birches Green Primary School

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