Premeir Care Green Park

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About Premeir Care Green Park

Name Premeir Care Green Park
Address Green Park School, Green Park Drive, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0NH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children very much enjoy going to the club.

They arrive happily after their day at school, keen to chat to staff and play with their peers. They show they feel safe and secure by their happy demeanour and their clear understanding of the 'house rules' that are in place to keep them safe. For example, children can explain why it is important to answer when their names are called at registration.

They know that in order to keep them safe, staff need to know which children are there. Children behave typically for their age. They are lively and active but show good manners and care towards each other.

They happily wel...come visitors to the club and enjoy talking about their favourite games and activities.Staff ensure there is an interesting programme of activities every day and that these enhance and build on skills children are learning at school. Younger children benefit from a specific programme of activities for them on arrival.

This helps these children not feel overwhelmed by the environment and helps them practise specific skills they are learning at school. For example, children thoroughly enjoy practising their cutting skills to make sea creatures. Some children say these activities are their favourite part of the day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have very good relationships with staff at the host school. This helps provide good levels of consistency for children, which in turns further helps children feel confident about going to the club. There are informal exchanges of information between staff, when children are brought from school to the club.

There are also more formal arrangements for meetings between representatives from the provider and staff from school as needed. For example, to ensure the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can be met at the club.Staff are committed to doing a good job.

They request additional training and the provider is happy to accommodate this. For example, staff attended training to help them plan more effectively for the needs of children with SEND. They used what they learned very effectively to enhance the provision for these children.

For example, by adapting the environment and arranging for resources that helped children feel safe and secure to come with them from school each day.Children are encouraged to be physically active each day to promote their physical well-being and help them build a positive view of following a healthy lifestyle. On the day of the inspection, children enjoyed energetic play outside as well as team games in the hall.

Staff know children well. They build warm and caring relationships with the children, which help children feel emotionally secure. Younger children snuggle in with staff to look at favourite books and recite favourite stories.

Other young children beam with pride as staff praise what they have made or done. This all adds to the happy and positive atmosphere.Parents are happy with what the club offers.

They report that their children like going and they consider it a safe place to be. Staff value and use feedback from parents to develop the club and ensure it continues to meet the needs of families well. For instance, following feedback, staff have tweaked menus and mealtimes to ensure children continue to enjoy the nutritious and tasty meals and snacks.

The leadership team have a good understanding of their roles. They know the most important thing is to ensure children are safe and happy. When needed, they provide extra staffing cover themselves, so there are always enough staff to keep children safe.

This helps them get to know children well and also support staff. They plan to further support staff with more regular observations and feedback on their performance.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure all staff attend regular safeguarding training. This is successful in ensuring staff have a thorough understanding of the signs that could indicate children are at risk of harm. This includes ensuring staff are aware of the signs a child may be at risk of exploitation or sexual abuse.

Staff know how to share any such concerns, including how to escalate beyond the senior management team if necessary. Leaders ensure those they employ are suitable to work with children. Staff supervise children well and ensure the premises remain safe and secure.

Also at this postcode
Green Park School

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