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About Premier Care - Oxley (OP)
Premier Care - Oxley (OP)
Oxley Park Academy, Redgrave Drive, Oxley Park, Milton Keynes, MK4 4TA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at the club. The older children are good role models for the younger children.
For example, they play fairly and considerately during traditional games such as 'wink murder'. Children benefit from fun play opportunities, which staff plan well to meet their interests. For example, children enjoy applying glue and then rolling their jars in glitter to create snowman lanterns.
All children in this setting are happy and well looked after. They are confident and approach staff and visitors easily. For example, staff sit with children and support them to use a range of tools, such as scissors.
...Staff sing a cutting song to help younger children who are learning the skills to cut competently. This supports children to feel they can trust the staff or ask them for help. Children's behaviour is good.
They are polite and respectful towards each other. Adults model the good behaviour expected of children. As a result, children are consistently kind and caring.
Children understand the rules and routines of the club. For example, they remember to tell a member of staff when they are going to go to the toilet, to support their safety and security.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have a good understanding of out-of-school care.
They ensure that children can relax and socialise with their friends. They balance this well with opportunities for children to engage in stimulating activities that support their formal learning.The atmosphere in the club is positive and children respond well to familiar routines, games and activities.
For example, children know they come in and have a choice of what to play with, before having their chosen snack and then going outside to burn off some energy. Children who are new to the club receive effective support from their key person and dedicated mentor. This helps children to form friendships and feel happy and secure.
The club provides children with a focus on leading a healthy lifestyle. Staff encourage conversation about the benefits of healthy food for children's bodies, and children understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. For example, staff remind children of the importance of rehydrating regularly and washing their hands before eating snack or tea.
Staff from the school deliver children from their classes to the club. This gives opportunities for staff to talk to teachers at these times and supports the partnership working between the club and school. For example, teachers informed staff that the younger children had watched the pantomime 'Dick Whittington' on the day of the inspection.
Professional development is strong. Staff attend a range of training and say that they are very well supported and enjoy working as a team at the club. Staff value the support that they are given.
Parents report being extremely happy with the provision. They also receive feedback at handover times, which ensures that parents are kept in touch with what is happening at the club. The club is exploring more ways to engage with parents to further improve communication.
Staff promote good behaviour and encourage children to be respectful towards one another. They are effective role models and have high expectations of children. Children are polite and well-mannered at the club.
Staff engage well with a range of professionals to help them offer an inclusive service. For example, when children first register for the club, staff identify any children with special educational needs and/or disabilities who will be attending. They then liaise with staff from schools that children attend to plan how they can meet children's needs.
Parents report that staff know their children's needs extremely well and this helps their children enjoy the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure understanding of how to safeguard children.
They recognise signs and symptoms that would cause them to be concerned for a child's welfare. Staff know how to identify children that may be exposed to extreme views. Staff know how to report any concerns they may have about children or the adults they encounter.
Staff ensure that children are closely supervised, both indoors and outdoors. For instance, staff know where children are and what they are doing in the indoor and outdoor spaces. The staff recruitment process is robust and staff's suitability is regularly reviewed to check they remain suitable to work with children.