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About Premier Care TSG
Premier Care TSG
Toddington St. George Church Of England School, Manor Road, Toddington, Dunstable, LU5 6AJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are excited to spend time at this lively before- and after-school club. Staff collect children from their classrooms, where they gather pertinent information from teachers. Once children arrive at the after-school club they follow expected routines well, and swiftly settle down to enjoy the activities staff provide.
The provider and staff plan a wealth of activities that support children's varied interests. Indoors, children become absorbed in craft activities and board games. Children also have the opportunity to try new sports and explore the extensive outdoor areas.
For example, children are excited to learn ho...w to play archery with their sports instructor.Children develop close bonds with one another and behave well in their before- and after-school club. They demonstrate good manners and help their friends in tasks.
For example, older children support their younger friends serving food at snack time. Staff promote these positive behaviours well. They praise children's efforts, rewarding their achievements with stickers, and remind them of the rules in the setting and why they are in place.
Staff mirror the reward system used by the host school. This provides consistent messages for children around behaviour expectations.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider and staff promote children's understanding of the importance of developing healthy lifestyles.
Children enjoy healthy meals and snacks that are freshly prepared each session. Staff encourage children to spend time outdoors. The provider plans a variety of sports activities that are delivered by specialist coaches and targeted at the ages of children who attend.
Children's safety is paramount. All staff demonstrate good safeguarding knowledge. They clearly explain how to identify if a child is at risk from harm and the correct referral processes to follow.
Staff complete regular risk assessments to ensure children are cared for in a safe environment. Children's specific needs such as allergies are well considered when preparing nutritious and healthy meals and snacks at the before- and after-school club.Children welcome visitors warmly and invite them to join in their games.
They chat enthusiastically about their favourite activities and the delicious meals and snacks they enjoy. Children take ownership for their club and are keen to show off their play environment. They take immense pride in their crafts and artwork that are displayed throughout the room.
Parents are highly complimentary about the care staff provide. They appreciate the deep understanding club staff have about children and their specific needs and circumstances. Parents comment on how this knowledge enables staff to support children and families.
Parents value the wide variety of activities staff offer and state that children thoroughly enjoy attending.Children play cooperatively and are supportive of one another. Staff promote these close, respectful relationships well.
They adopt a 'buddy system', where older, more established children support their younger friends to develop an understanding of the routines in the before- and after-school club.Staff are very attentive to children's needs. For example, when staff identify children by themselves, they are swift to approach and engage them in discussions and play.
Children in the early years are allocated a named member of staff to provide additional support and act as a contact for parents.The provider supports staff practice well. They conduct regular supervisions to identify development opportunities and promote well-being.
Rigorous induction processes ensure staff are suitable to work with children and feel confident in their new role. For example, the provider sends representatives into the setting to familiarise new staff with their environment and set an example of the high standards of practice expected.Relationships with the host school are strong.
Staff share information daily with class teachers. They understand the impact children's moods may have on their well-being. For example, staff routinely share information from home about children's routines and sleep patterns.
This consistent approach ensures all children feel safe, settle well, and enjoy their time at the before- and after-school club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.