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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff welcome children warmly into the club. Children arrive excited and keen to share news with staff and to find friends to play with. Staff take time to talk with the children to catch up on their news, and provide time for them to relax and unwind.
They support newer children closely to help them to settle in and to get to know one another and the activities available.Children enjoy a good range of activities. For example, they ride bicycles energetically and join in ball games together.
Staff plan ahead to enable children to book in and enjoy the activities they enjoy most. Staff also encourage children to try new act...ivities to broaden their interests. For example, children learn to play tennis to develop new physical skills.
Children enjoy creative play. They make models with dough, design with different craft materials and join in card and board games with enthusiasm. Children share their skills with others, such as strategies make the 'tiddlywink' counters fly into the bowl.
They all cheer when they achieve this and become more confident.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff plan a programme of activities to support children's ideas and interests. These include physical games and sports as well as quieter activities.
However, staff do not always find out about new children's likes and dislikes prior to them starting to support their interests further.Children are cared for in a safe and secure environment and supervised closely by staff. Staff follow effective procedures to collect children from their classrooms and when they move around the different play areas.
Children learn safe play through staff guidance, such as sitting to eat, not tipping their chair and how to ride the wheeled toys safely around others.Staff are good role models, who help children to understand and follow the club rules and to develop positive attitudes. Children include one another well and play kindly together.
Staff address issues through discussion to help children understand the consequences of their behaviour.Staff encourage children's good health. Children benefit from lots of active play and follow good personal hygiene routines.
They enjoy nutritious meals, such as savoury wraps with salad vegetables, and learn to make healthy snacks, such as fruit smoothies.Staff understand their safeguarding roles and responsibilities. They know the risks to children and the procedures to follow in the event of any concerns about a child's welfare or the actions of an adult.
Leaders follow robust vetting procedures to ensure all staff are suitable to care for children. Staff undertake training and development to update their knowledge and skills.Staff communicate well with the school teaching staff to ensure they pass on any relevant information to parents and to support children's well-being.
Parents and children have opportunities to share their views and to make suggestions, such as foods for snack and new activity ideas. Parents state they appreciate the feedback at the end of the day and their children enjoy playing energetically after school.Leaders evaluate the quality of the setting effectively and identify areas for development to make improvements to the quality of provision.
For example, they plan to extend aspects of staff training and development and to find out more from teachers about how children are progressing in school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.