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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children and staff interact well together.
Children engage in activities and staff support their ideas. For example, when children speak about their favourite activities, such as using construction kits and art and craft materials, staff ensure that these experiences are available for them. Children cooperate with each other.
They understand the behaviour that is expected of them at the setting. Staff remind children to say 'please' and 'thank you' at appropriate times. Staff are quick to praise and guide children.
This helps children to understand the importance of being respectful to each other. Children sociali...se well at the setting. For example, during art and craft sessions, children engage in joyful exchanges.
They laugh, giggle, gladly share resources and speak nicely to one another. Staff know children well. They are attentive to children's wishes and needs.
Children choose where to play. For instance, children enjoy playing ring games which staff organise outside. At other times, children choose to play basketball and other ball games.
Some children prefer to play alone, and staff support these children well to enable them to play in their own way.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff encourage children to join in with the activities on offer. Staff ensure that all children, especially the youngest children, have a space that is available for them to rest and relax.
There are mats and blankets to make the space cosier. Staff give younger children space, support and encouragement to settle into the setting, and children keenly join in with all experiences. Children are confident at the setting.
Staff are deployed well. They supervise children thoroughly when they are playing inside and outside. Staff play alongside children and share conversations about their home and school lives, favourite things and dislikes.
Children demonstrate they feel comfortable sharing their views and ideas with friendly staff.Staff provide good opportunities for children to have fun in the fresh air. Children use a large space to move their bodies in a range of different ways.
They also use the space, such as the benches, for relaxing too. Children sit there and talk with their friends and staff. This helps to promote children's healthy lifestyles.
Children have a choice of which activities to play with inside. Staff organise the setting well. For example, they provide role-play and small-world resources, puzzles and soft toys for children to play with.
Staff provide children with healthy meals and fresh drinking-water. They plan snacks and meals to include foods that children like and enjoy. Children have a serving of fruit alongside their snacks.
Staff remind children to wash their hands before they eat. This helps children to understand the link between good hygiene practices and good health.Staff ensure that they cater for children's dietary requirements and allergies.
They have a process in place to ensure that information about children's dietary needs is gathered from parents before children start, and they also periodically review this information.Staff enjoy working at the setting and feel valued by the leaders. Leaders support staff well, which contributes to the positive atmosphere within the setting.
Staff complete food hygiene, safeguarding and paediatric first-aid training.Parents are complimentary about the setting. They feel that their children are happy and staff care for them.
Parents like the communication which they receive from staff at the setting.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.