Priory Oaks

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About Priory Oaks

Name Priory Oaks
Address The Priory Primary School, Pamber End, Tadley, RG26 5QD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this inviting and friendly club.

They enter happy and eager to explore the activities on offer. Staff work hard to ensure their planning takes account of the ages and the interests of all children. Children respond well to the calm environment that staff provide.

They work and play well together and demonstrate high levels of perseverance. For instance, when crafting, children do not give up when paper plates and straws do not create their planned tower effect. Instead, they apply different strategies or ask for help.

Staff form excellent relationships with children, parents and school sta...ff. This aids children to feel secure and well cared for at the club. Children behave well.

They are clear of staff's expectations and know why they should follow the club rules. Staff role model positive behaviour choices and respectful relationships. Consequently, children show kindness and consideration for one another.

For instance, older children play table football with younger ones with care and consideration, while other children compliment one another's art and craft work.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The staff team works well together. They communicate well to ensure that the children are safe and well cared for.

Staff share pertinent information and are vigilant in their supervision of children between areas and activities. This ensures that children are always supported by a known adult, when needed.Children benefit from the staff knowing them exceptionally well.

Staff listen to the children and demonstrate a genuine interest in what they have to say. Staff celebrate unique skills that children have, such as singing and acting. Staff ensure that there are areas for children who might feel tired after their school day to relax and have some quiet time.

The needs of all children are met well.Children demonstrate high levels of self-confidence. They freely ask for resources when required, and staff attend to these requests whenever possible.

Staff engage children in conversations about home, school life and interests in general. Children have positive relationships with one another and the staff at the club.The environment is safe and secure.

Staff discuss any potential risks with children. For example, they ensure that younger children know which parts of the outdoor area they are permitted to use.Senior managers work regularly with staff and children at the club.

They provide ongoing guidance and support to continually build on staff knowledge and skills. Staff feel very well supported and benefit from frequent supervision sessions that aid professional development and support their well-being.Children are provided with a host of healthy snack options.

They understand why good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, are required. Staff help children to understand the importance of a healthy diet and the need to take regular drink breaks. Children very much enjoy accessing the large outdoor areas daily.

They love exploring the adventure playground and playing football on the field with staff and friends. Physical development is supported very well.Parents are highly complimentary about the club.

They comment on how children look forward to attending and appreciate the staff's dedication to their child's development and well-being. The provider ensures frequent and effective communication with parents.The provider understands the importance of ongoing self-reflection.

They regularly evaluate their provision through parent, staff and child questionnaires and continually strive to provide the very best care that they can. Senior leaders have secured additional grants and funding. This has enabled them to purchase additional resources or to provide free care for families in need.

Leaders are dedicated in supporting the club, school and local community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
The Priory Primary School Gol Elite Coaching LTD at The Priory Primary School

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