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Church of the Nazarene, Mayfield Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 1TF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children show high levels of confidence as they move around the welcoming and well-resourced natural learning environment. Staff follow the 'curiosity approach' to develop an effective curriculum that adapts to individual children's needs, to support children in making the best possible progress. Staff know the children and their families well.
This enables them to support them with all aspects of their care and learning, including potty training, specific medical conditions, and support packages for children learning English as an additional language.Children behave well. Older children help the younger children to learn. ... For example, when they see a younger child running in the playroom, they remind them to use 'walking feet' indoors. Staff model good behaviour and speak to the children in a nurturing way to enable them to build secure attachments.Following the COVID-19 pandemic, staff recognised that some children needed additional support with their personal, social and emotional development and communication and language because of limited opportunities during the pandemic.
They are working closely with parents and other professionals to help children develop these skills. Parents report that their children enjoy attending the setting. Managers use additional funding well to target support for children.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The staff work well together as a team. They benefit from the strong leadership from the enthusiastic manager. She is very knowledgeable about child development, the early years foundation stage framework and the curiosity approach.
In addition, she is proactive, trying different approaches. For example, all staff participated in developing their knowledge of the curiosity approach and are currently completing training on 'communication-friendly spaces'. This will help them in supporting children to learn new vocabulary and gain confidence in communication and language skills.
Parents report that are pleased with the progress that their children are making. They talk about how their children are developing their confidence and have come on in 'leaps and bounds' because staff work hard to support them in their learning. Parents state that staff are good at communicating with them.
They involve them in the progress report for children aged between two and three years to make sure it is an accurate reflection of their child's progress to date. Parents talk about the good settling-in procedures that enable staff to get to know their children quickly.Children have really good opportunities to learn about the community they live in.
They have 'inter-generational care' sessions, where local residents from a care home visit and play with the children, read stories with them and sing songs. In addition, staff make good use of parents' and families' skills and professions. For example, a retired dentist who was the grandmother of one of the children came and talked to the children about good oral health.
The manager makes sure that children receive a toothbrush, toothpaste and information about good oral health every year.Staff know the children well and, overall, use this knowledge to support them in becoming confident and independent learners. However, staff do not consistently support children's emotional security to help them join in more with the activities.
Staff feel valued and supported. They have regular appraisals, staff meetings and informal discussions to help make sure they are providing the best possible start for the children attending. Staff benefit from good training opportunities and use the information gained well to enhance children's learning.
The playroom is particularly inviting to young children. There are lots of natural resources that the children would find in their homes to extend their learning. Staff make excellent use of the outside area to enhance children's learning.
For example, children use the herbs they are growing to make pretend mint tea for the grown-ups. Staff have created a beach and a natural area where children can see insects and learn about their habitat.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Managers and staff have a good knowledge and understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children. There are effective procedures in place if they are concerned about a child's welfare. There are good recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure staff are suitable for their role and responsibilities.
Staff complete regular risk assessments to ensure the environment is safe and well maintained. They support children in learning how to keep themselves safe while taking controlled risks.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make sure that staff are supporting children consistently with their emotional needs to enable them to access all aspects of the curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.