Pro Sport Coaching Ltd

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About Pro Sport Coaching Ltd

Name Pro Sport Coaching Ltd
Address St Mary Magdalene’s RC Primary School, Wellfield Drive, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 0JD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed by staff when they arrive at the club. They come in happily, eagerly exchanging information about their day. The staff initiate personal conversations based on their knowledge of the children.

These interactions meet the children's emotional needs and help them feel confident, safe and secure. Staff assess ways to ensure that older and younger children can interact and play with each other. For example, children of different ages are paired together in new activities, such as dodgeball, where they learn how to play and praise each other's achievements.

This meets their social and emotional need...s.Staff are organised and provide children with a good balance of adult-led and child-led activities. This helps children to play freely and explore their interests.

Staff include children in setting age-appropriate rules and expectations, which support children's good behaviour and promotes their safety. Children respond well to the positive environment. Staff divide the large hall into smaller areas to create a calm environment that facilitates chosen activities.

This helps to develop children's social interactions. Staff create comfortable spaces through the use of mats and tables for children, so they can do their homework or rest if required. Children use this area to relax and look at a selection of books and stories.

Staff join them to offer reassurance and help, where required.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff are enthusiastic and show a commitment to providing high-quality childcare. They carefully consider children's needs and work together to review all areas, continuing to make improvements.

For example, they include children in decision-making, consider children's interests and reflect on their feedback.Staff encourage children's independence skills. For example, children put their belongings away on arrival and sit to discuss plans for the day.

Children who struggle are confident to ask for help. Staff provide the correct levels of support when sharing tasks to ensure children develop their levels of independence.Staff offer children activities linked to topics they are covering at school, giving children opportunities to re-visit what they have been learning and to build on this.

For example, children completed tasks about the life cycle of chickens, following the hatching of chicks in Reception class.Children have opportunities to play varied sports with qualified external coaches. They learn new transferable skills and discuss the relevance of healthy lifestyle choices.

This is consolidated through other activities such as making their own pizza, where they discuss healthy eating habits.Staff support children to manage their own personal hygiene practices. For example, staff oversee handwashing before a cooking activity and prior to children serving themselves.

This supports children's understanding of maintaining healthy bodies.Staff engage children in discussions they know are of interest to them. This helps to develop their speech and language skills as children have more confidence in communicating.

Children are excited as they participate in these conversations, frequently smiling as they discuss their upcoming events at school.Staff feel well supported by leaders and managers and are encouraged to continue their professional development. Staff talk confidently about recent evaluations, training and development opportunities and how they use these to enhance the setting for children.

Staff pride themselves on striving for more.The staff have an excellent relationship with the teachers at the host school. Staff receive information about children daily and in particular if they need more support on certain days.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are very well supported. Staff take on additional training where required and work closely with all agencies to ensure children have the best care.Children's behaviour is excellent.

They enter the hall quietly and calmly, using wonderful manners during interactions with staff and peers. They are respectful of their friends and the staff during all activities and when moving around the setting. Older children support their younger friends when they play together.

They build meaningful relationships and have great empathy for each other.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy Little Stars Breakfast and Afterschool Club

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