Progressive Sports Active Camp at Farmborough Primary School

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About Progressive Sports Active Camp at Farmborough Primary School

Name Progressive Sports Active Camp at Farmborough Primary School
Address Farmborough Primary School, The Street, Farmborough, Bath, BA2 0FY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BathandNorthEastSomerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed into the setting on arrival. Staff make time to speak with each child.

They build good relationships with them. Children all of ages have fun during group games. This helps children to settle in and get to know each other.

Staff make sure all children are included. They offer alternative games and tailor these to the age and interests of the children. Children enjoy the social aspects at the club.

They chat and socialise with their friends. Children make new friends and choose to spend time together during the free play sessions. They enjoy social mealtimes and staff flexibly move furn...iture around, making space for friends and groups of children to sit together.

Children enjoy the range of activities that staff offer. They test out their ideas and develop positive attitudes to new experiences. They show determination as they tackle challenges and different skills.

Younger children develop their coordination as they explore moving in different ways. They enjoy archery and are pleased when their suction arrow lands on the target. Friends work together to help each other and staff offer useful tips and techniques to help children's success.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider, manager and staff ensure that children's safety is a priority. The provider has worked closely with his operations manager, greatly improving their processes to support the staff's safeguarding knowledge. Clear in-depth policies and regular training and checks are now in place.

Staff are confident in how to identify and report any concerns about children, to help keep them safe.Children are suitably involved in club life. They take care of their belongings, putting them in their designated areas.

They help tidy up after activities and clear away their rubbish after meals.Staff gain information from parents to help them get to know children. Parents say that it is the children's favourite holiday club and that staff seem passionate about what they do.

The manager and provider have good links with the school on site and the local authority. They provide an inclusive service, beneficially providing many funded places for children from the village and local area.Staff know the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles.

They offer good opportunities for children to be active in the fresh air. Children enjoy playing ball games on the field and exploring the challenging equipment on the playground. However, at times staff miss the opportunity to help children understand and independently follow good hygiene and healthy eating practices.

Staff communicate very well and work as a cohesive team. They deploy themselves effectively to supervise and support children effectively. The provider supports staff's professional development suitably.

Staff refresh their food safety, first aid and child protection training regularly.Staff show a consistent approach to managing children's behaviour. They are clear in their explanations, making sure children understand what is expected of them while they are at the club.

Staff observe and support children closely. They offer them prompts and reminders to help children adapt their actions appropriately and join in with the group games and routines.The provider works with the operations manager to lead appropriate staff recruitment.

They ensure staff are suitable to work with children and that they receive a thorough induction, and ongoing supervision of their coaching skills and general practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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