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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The management team have high expectations for children attending and the staff who care for them.
They demonstrate a passion and commitment to provide children with quality childcare and learning opportunities. Children are warmly welcomed by happy, caring staff who are genuinely pleased to see them. The committed team invests time getting to know the children and their family before they attend to ensure a smooth transition from home to nursery.
Tailored settling-in procedures, that are designed to meet each child's individual needs, mean they settle quickly and happily engage in an activity of their choice. The nurs...ery is small and provides a cosy and homely play environment. All staff know the children very well.
Opportunities to learn are designed around the children's interests and what they need to learn next.Staff are skilful in their interactions and offers of help. Staff speak with genuine kindness and are respectful of the children, listening to what they have to say and supporting their choices.
For example, children's requests to make a 'sticky' picture for mummy is swiftly supported as staff help them find all the resources and materials they need. Staff are good role models and overall children's behaviour is good. They demonstrate kindness to one another, as they suggest a cuddle is needed when their friends are sad.
Staff teach children the language they need to express their emotions. They learn about feelings and the impact of their behaviour through stories and painting activities.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children make continued progress as the quality of teaching is good.
Staff carefully observe their development and plan appropriate next steps to help children succeed, including those who require additional support. They understand the importance of working closely with other professionals in education and health to provide a consistent approach to support all children's learning.Children are taught how to stay safe and healthy through daily routines and activities.
They know to wash hands before eating and after a visit to the bathroom. Children enjoy fresh air and exercise daily. They excitedly and independently dress in preparation for outdoor play.
Children enjoy a range of healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks. Robust strategies are in place to ensure children's dietary needs and allergies are well managed.Babies demonstrate they are very happy and settled.
Their individual routines are respected and managed. Babies have established close bonds with the nurturing staff and enjoy cuddles and reassurance. They confidently move around the cosy room as they access toys of their choice.
Babies have immense fun in the ball pond. They enjoy sensory activities, such as painting and sticking, and they explore the paint and glue while making creations.Parents speak highly of all aspects of the nursery.
All comment on the welcoming, professional but friendly staff. They comment the nursery provides a 'home-from home' environment. They feel they can discuss any concerns and are fully supported by the 'amazing' team.
The curriculum includes a variety of opportunities for children to learn about the wider community in which they live. They have established positive links with the local residential home and visit regularly to sing and play games with the older people. Children pick up litter as they learn the importance of taking care of their environment.
Staff morale is very good. They show a genuine interest in the children they care for and speak positively about recent changes. They say they feel valued, supported and appreciate that their work is acknowledged.
The team work well together. They welcome training opportunities and comment their own professional development is positively encouraged.Children are offered a broad curriculum.
Staff plan according to children's individual interests and what they need to learn next, promoting the skills they need to be independent learners. However, the curriculum does not always challenge the most able children to build on what they already know and extend their knowledge.Children are confident speakers.
For example, they confidently engage visitors to the nursery in conversation about the purpose of their visit. Staff engage children in conversation and have a clear comprehension of how children develop their conversation skills. Occasionally, some staff do not give children time to respond to questions, think critically and solve problems for themselves.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: plan more opportunities in the curriculum to challenge children's thinking to consistently build on what they already know and can do help staff to strengthen the use of effective questioning skills and give children more time to think and respond to questions and enable them to share their thoughts and ideas.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.