Quackers Out Of School Club

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About Quackers Out Of School Club

Name Quackers Out Of School Club
Address Widmer End Community Combined School, Estcourt Drive, Widmer End, High Wycombe, HP15 6AH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate that they enjoy coming to this welcoming and friendly after-school club.

Younger children relish opportunities to play with their friends. They benefit from time spent with older children from their school and another local school. Children are kind and caring towards each other.

For instance, younger children are included by the older children as they play football indoors and outdoors.The environment is calm and inviting and enables children to relax and play after school. Children enjoy taking part in a wide variety of activities.

Staff take the time to listen to what children have to say a...nd tailor activities and resources to their individual interests. For instance, children show high levels of concentration as they create spaceships and monsters with straws and lollypop sticks. Staff are on hand and help develop children's creativity.

Children enjoy being physically active and take part in a variety of games, such as badminton, which further supports their coordination skills. Staff are good role models and implement efficient behaviour management strategies. For example, they swiftly respond to any arising conflict or minor issues.

Children are reminded to play fairly and say 'sorry', if need be. This promotes children's developing social skills and their emotional well-being successfully.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children behave well and demonstrate that they feel safe and secure.

They listen to staff and understand the rules of the club. For example, children promptly line up to walk across the school grounds and understand why rules are in place, such as not climbing on wet play equipment.Staff are sensitive to the children's feelings and have developed a warm bond with them.

Children chat with staff about their day at school, their friendships and their home life. This helps staff to support children at the club and promotes children's care and well-being.Staff understand that children need fresh air and physical exercise.

Children benefit from daily outdoor activities, such as in the playground or garden. They join in team games with their friends or choose freely from the resources on offer.Children show high levels of engagement as they take part in creative activities.

They demonstrate perseverance as they develop and enhance their skills. For example, younger children learn to draw and cut out the pictures they have created. Staff are supportive and encourage children to have a go at cutting out the shapes themselves.

This promotes their concentration and fine motor skills well.The manager and provider evaluate the setting termly and ask children for their input. For example, they ask the children which toys and resources they would like to play with at the club.

They use this information to plan activities that the children will enjoy and match this to their current interests.Overall, staff have established good routines and encourage children to manage their own personal needs at the club, such as handwashing before snack time. The manager recognises that they can encourage children to further develop these independence skills at other routine times, such as on arrival.

Managers gather important information from parents, prior to their children starting. This helps to ensure children's individual needs, such as medical and dietary requirements, are met. Staff exchange information with parents, so they are aware of their children's day.

Furthermore, staff at the club exchange valuable information with other settings the children attend to further extend the continuity of care.Parents are positive about the care their children receive. They say that children have a good relationship with the staff, who provide a broad range of activities after their day at school.

However, parents have raised that the food choices on offer could be rotated more frequently. The provider has taken this feedback into account to further improve the service to parents and children at the club.Managers provide staff with robust training and supervisions on a regular basis and are committed to providing high-quality care.

Staff speak positively of the manager and provider and report that they feel well supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff have a good understanding of their role to keep children safe.

They are aware of the possible indicators that could suggest a child is at risk of harm and know the correct procedure to follow if they have any concerns. Staff complete regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. Recruitment and other procedures are in place to enable leaders to check that staff are and remain suitable to work with children.

The provider and staff recognise the action they should take if they are concerned about someone in a position of trust. Staff risk assess the premises that are accessible to children daily. Staff complete a headcount of children before and after they visit the outdoor areas to keep them safe.

Also at this postcode
Widmer End Community Combined School Friends at Play Addventure Club @ Widmer End

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