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About Quackers Out of School Club
Quackers Out of School Club
Abbey View Primary Academy, Kennedy Avenue, High Wycombe, HP11 1BX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff warmly greet the children on arrival and assist the younger children with putting their belongings away. Children arrive happy after their day at school and settle quickly into the activities that staff provide. They are eager to start playing with their friends and talk to club staff about their day.
Staff ensure children have a wide selection of toys, games and activities to explore. Activities are based on children's interests. For example, staff know that the children that currently attend enjoy playing with construction bricks and dinosaurs.
Staff understand the importance of providing children with opportunitie...s to rest and take part in quieter activities. Children make good use of art and craft activities. Some like colouring and using the play dough, while others are keen to test their creative skills at cross stich.
Children play well together. They share resources and understand that they need to take turns with popular resources.Staff provide children with plenty of opportunities to be physically active and children enjoy playing in the outdoor area or school hall with staff each day.
Staff play ball games with children to help practise their developing coordination skills, by kicking and throwing the balls to each other. Younger children concentrate hard when they are trying to use the bats and balls, and beam with pride when they are able to successfully hit the ball to their friends. This promotes their hand-eye coordination, as well as their large-muscle development, and further promotes their emotional well-being, as they develop a growing positive sense of self-esteem.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are good role models for the children, and encourage them to be respectful and considerate of others. Children behave well and play cooperatively together. They take turns and share resources with their friends.
Staff praise positive behaviour and consistently reinforce the rules and expectations of the setting. This helps children to celebrate their achievements and promotes high levels of self-esteem.Staff create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
They are sensitive to the children's needs and feelings and show an interest in their school and home life. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure and have established kind bonds with the staff, who know the children well. This further supports their emotional well-being.
Children remain engaged in activities for significant lengths of time. They show determination and perseverance as they keep trying until they succeed. For example, children enjoy completing word searches with staff and playing board games.
These experiences help them to learn how to manage their feelings and emotions, as well as learn about rules and turn taking. This promotes their concentration and self-regulation.Children show that they are familiar with the routine and structure of the setting.
For example, children ask staff to check if it is safe to go out to play outside. They know that they must wait until all the school parents have left the site. In addition, children automatically wash their hands ready for snack when they come in from playing outside and regularly refresh themselves with drinking water during the session.
This helps to teach children how to keep themselves safe and promotes their health and well-being.The area manager and provider work closely with the school. They support children that attend and share key information to help their smooth transition between the settings, both before and after school.
Staff work with parents to agree strategies to support children's behaviour to ensure a consistent approach between home and school/setting. However, the provider has recognised that it may be beneficial to gain more information on children's learning and development from the school. This is particularly important where the setting has identified emerging additional needs, to further support and extend children's well-being and development.
Staff ensure that the area used for the setting is safe. For instance, they complete risk assessments of the room each day and have their own dedicated areas for the safe storage of food, medication and records. Staff work with school staff to ensure children's attendance is monitored and follow up where appropriate.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider follows robust recruitment processes, to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding, including signs and indicators of possible abuse.
They understand their roles in protecting children from harm and what actions to take if they have any concerns about children's welfare. They understand the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about their colleagues' behaviour towards children. Staff use risk assessments effectively to ensure the suitability and safety of the premises, equipment and activities.