R B Kids Club

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About R B Kids Club

Name R B Kids Club
Address Ralph Butterfield School, Station Road, Haxby, YORK, YO32 3LS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority York
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children of all ages appear very happy at this high-quality club. Children settle immediately on arrival and are eager to help staff organise their chosen games and activities. The manager and staff create a calm and focused environment, where children can relax and enjoy themselves.

Staff are careful to meet the individual needs of all children, especially the youngest and those with special educational needs/and or disabilities. They ensure children relish their time at the club and have fun. Children tell the inspector that all the staff are kind, keep them safe and always listen to them.

Children are exceptionally well... behaved. Staff, who are excellent role models, encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and demonstrate a caring attitude to others. For example, children are polite, helpful and respectful towards their peers, often giving up their scooter, hoop or ball to make a friend happy.

Older children are wonderful role models for younger children. They regularly include them in their play.The dedicated manager clearly understands how to implement the requirements of the early years foundation stage.

Staff reflect his passion and commitment to provide high-quality care for children. Together, they identify clear areas for improvement. For example, they have plans to develop the outdoor areas and resources to extend children's opportunities for physical development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and several members of staff also work at the host school. This means they are well placed to check in with any children who may have had a difficult or tiring day. Staff engage children in lots of conversations and children invite them into their games and activities.

Staff know what children have been doing and learning in school. They use this knowledge well to engage children in discussions to help complement and support children's learning and communication and language skills. This helps the staff plan interesting games, activities and craft sessions.

Staff encourage children to think about healthy lifestyles. They identified that many children choose to take part in the exciting outdoor activities provided after a busy day in school. Staff make sure children can benefit from lots of extended time in the fresh air.

Children confidently manage their own self-care needs and know to drink fresh water during and after exercise. Staff encourage children's cooperative skills especially well during snack time. For example, older children assist younger ones to follow the routines, such as handwashing and preparing fruit.

This helps build confidence and social skills.Staff consider potential risks well and minimise them wherever possible. Children are well supervised when playing inside and outdoors.

Staff gently remind children of the rules, when needed, to help keep everyone safe. Staff monitor the arrival and collection of children exceptionally well. For example, each classroom has a daily list of club children with a safeguarding and safety procedure reminder for school staff.

Staff say they really enjoy working at the club. They feel valued and report it is a lovely place to work. Staff benefit from regular supervision meetings, where they receive support and guidance to manage their roles and responsibilities.

The manager ensures, through regular meetings and training, that staff have the knowledge they need to identify and respond to any concerns about children's safety or well-being. He uses a range of policies and procedures to help staff organise and run the club successfully.The manager and staff work in close partnership with parents and the host school.

For example, they are consistent with the school's caring ethos and in their approach to behaviour management. Staff update parents about any messages from school during daily discussions. Parents comment very favourably about the club and state that they are confident that children are nurtured and kept safe.

For instance, they say medical, allergy and accident information are managed very effectively.The committee and manager follow robust recruitment procedures to ensure the suitability of those employed to work with children. They ensure staff complete mandatory training and that there are always several members of staff who hold current paediatric first-aid certificates supervising children during club sessions.

This helps maintain a safe, positive working environment and excellent standards of care for the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Haxby Playgroups Rising Fives Ralph Butterfield Primary School

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