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Primrose Hill Community Centre, 29 Hopkinson’s Place, London, NW1 8TN
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Leaders are self-driven. They are determined for all children to succeed and seek out expertise from others to improve their practice.
There is a strong ethos of working collaboratively. The curriculum is highly ambitious. Programmes are designed to support children to develop in all areas.
Children have access to a well-resourced and well-organised environment, indoors and outdoors. Staff take into account children's views. For example, the 'news from home' activity is implemented to encourage children to talk about what they do at home.
Staff use this knowledge to plan interesting and motivating activ...ities. Staff have an excellent understanding of children's cultural capital. Children learn about families from a range of backgrounds, and there are exceptional links with the local community.
Staff plan trips to teach children about how to care for citizens.When children arrive at the pre-school, they quickly separate from their grown up. Staff greet them with a warm embrace, and children are clearly happy to be at the pre-school.
They beam with excitement to see their friends. Children are polite and act in a kind manner towards their peers. For example, a child says, 'Look, I found your hairband,' to their friend.
Staff have fantastic links with other professionals. They quickly identify when children with special educational needs and/or disabilities need extra support.There are well-established relationships with parents.
Leaders take their views into account. Parents are well informed about the curriculum to help them support their children's learning at home.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have a high regard for staff.
There is an ambitious programme of development, so staff have the opportunity to progress through the organisation. There is a positive work culture. Staff feel supported by their leaders.
They are highly experienced and knowledgeable about child development. As a result, children quickly make progress from their starting points.During 'together time', children learn to sit and pay attention to what is being taught.
Children learn how to play musical instruments. They engage in playful interactions using claves and repeat the words that they hear, saying, 'I want to play loudly.' Children are eager to join in as they sing familiar songs, such as the 'bonfire song'.
Staff choose story-time books carefully. Children enthusiastically repeat words and actions from the story 'Meg and the Dragon'. Children are challenged to practise words such as 'potions' and 'abracadabra' during their interactions.
There are excellent systems in place to assess children's learning and monitor progress. Staff intervene quickly when they notice that children are falling behind. They complete referrals to other professionals.
Children are seen promptly, so they make remarkable progress.The children love to dance. Staff show children how to navigate the space in a safe way, and children learn balance and coordination skills.
They enjoy using colourful scarves to create 'fast and slow' movements to the pace of music. Staff act as excellent role models. They roll on the floor, changing their speed and direction to encourage children to be imaginative.
Children laugh and giggle as they move around the room in different ways.There is an exceptional key-person system in place. Staff are warm and patient.
They embed nurturing care routines to form strong bonds with children. Children have developed secure attachments. Staff respond caringly when children seek comfort from adults when upset or if they need support to transition between activities.
Staff teach children the language of feelings. They speak calmly to help children regulate their emotions. Staff have high expectations for behaviour.
They model and use prompts to show children how to follow rules. There is a strong ethos of respect. Staff show children how to develop boundaries and take turns in play.
At snack time, staff make the most of opportunities for further learning. They encourage children to count. Staff give praise and children feel proud of their achievements.
Children develop excellent hand control as they use cutlery to chop the fruit and learn good hand hygiene.The curriculum for communication and language is strong. The pre-school team participates in external projects to support this aspect of teaching.
For example, staff use descriptive praise and articulation to improve children's language skills. Staff model vocabulary well and use questioning techniques effectively to engage children in talk. Staff promote children's home language well.
For example, children learn to speak in Spanish and English.Leaders have accurate systems in place to monitor the quality of practice. Staff receive 'in the moment' coaching sessions to support their teaching.
Staff meet regularly to reflect on ways to improve.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.