Rainbow Day Nursery Bromley Limited

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About Rainbow Day Nursery Bromley Limited

Name Rainbow Day Nursery Bromley Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address 356 Southborough Lane, Bromley, BR2 8AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff teach children about diversity in inspirational ways. Children's and other's cultural, physical, and social differences within and outside the nursery are part of daily learning.

Children are deeply curious about other people. They ask questions about other people's jobs, languages, and religions. All children feel valued and celebrate their uniqueness.

They show high levels of respect and tolerance for others. Staff have extremely high expectations of children of all ages at the nursery. They meticulously develop the environment to create opportunities for all children to excel.

Babies practice i...ncreasingly complex physical skills in the baby room. Staff encourage them to navigate paving stones and puddles in the garden. Babies learn to crawl and walk rapidly.

They are extremely confident as they take risks and build resilience. Children are highly motivated learners, who are keen to achieve their best. Outcomes for all children are excellent.

Staff share a strong vision to encourage children to persevere and keep on trying. They work with parents to identify the developmental leaps that children make at home and nursery. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

Older children share their skills with babies. They play sensitively with them and show high levels of emotional maturity. All children are extremely happy.

They celebrate who they are and what they can do.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers create a curriculum that is highly ambitious and gives children a wide range of rich experiences. They consistently promote staff's understanding of child development.

Staff confidently adapt the curriculum to closely consider the needs of each child.Staff robustly identify what children know and can do. They identify areas of learning in which children excel.

They plan ambitious experiences that support children to exceed milestones. All children are able to feel highly successful. The curriculum is sequenced to give all children the time they need to extend their skills at the highest levels.

Staff work closely with experts to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They ensure that all children have what they need to achieve their best. Children's gaps in learning rapidly close.

Managers ensure that children's experiences are equitable. All children reach and exceed their milestones.Staff speak to children in a way that engages them.

They introduce new vocabulary to children in exciting ways. Children use their imagination as they talk to each other and staff. Staff repeat new words that children learn in different contexts.

Children quickly learn and use ambitious new words.Managers and staff support children to form strong attachments with multiple staff. Children feel excited to arrive at nursery.

Staff have attended training on parent attachment, to further strengthen how they support parents in the early days of nursery. Babies settle quickly. They go to staff for reassurance and help when needed.

All children develop high levels of emotional resilience. They express their needs confidently.Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.

They teach children to do things for themselves. If children get things wrong, staff sensitively correct them. Across the nursery, children are busy doing things for themselves.

They know that it is okay to make mistakes. Toddlers try hard as they pour water for themselves or do up buttons. Children have high levels of perseverance.

Their behaviour is excellent.Parents say that their children love coming to nursery. They say that the nursery provides exceptional care.

Parents report that children come on in leaps and bounds in their learning. They notice a marked impact on children's confidence and self-esteem. Parents say that regular feedback from nursery staff helps them to work towards milestones.

Managers work with external providers to create bespoke training for staff. They focus on what individual children need, to plan training sessions and support for staff. Staff are eager to share what they have learned with others.

Teaching is of exceptional quality across the nursery.Managers support staff to feel highly valued and appreciated. They spend time every day with the team to help motivate them and share their achievements.

Staff say that they love working at the nursery and they know that their well-being is a high priority to managers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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