Rainbow Kindergarten

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About Rainbow Kindergarten

Name Rainbow Kindergarten
Address Bowmandale Primary School, Bowmandale, BARTON-UPON-HUMBER, South Humberside, DN18 5EE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthLincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are very familiar and comfortable with the club routines. When they arrive at the club they line up to wash their hands before selecting their breakfast or afternoon snacks.

Children listen intently to staff instructions and respond positively. They patiently wait for their turn to select their food and drinks. Children sit together and chat about their day at school to each other and staff.

They are keen to explain that their snack contains vitamins which help them to be healthy. Staff promote a calm and caring ethos which helps children feel safe. They plan a good range of activities and respond promptly when ch...ildren request additional resources.

Staff provide the right level of support for less confident children. The youngest children have a key person who helps them to quickly settle into the club. Children are very happy and their behaviour is exemplary.

Children show much cooperation as they play. They make models out of bricks and play games together. Children really enjoy staff joining in with their games.

They hide objects outside and ask staff to find them. There is much laughter as they play and interact with each other.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Club leaders have robust procedures for recruiting new staff.

They make all the necessary checks to ensure staff are suitable to work in the club. New staff have a thorough induction so they understand and follow the club policies and procedures from the start.There are strong partnerships with the host school.

Club staff and teachers ensure any relevant information is shared. This effective two-way flow of information supports a consistent approach in meeting children's individual needs.Staff listen intently as children share their thoughts and ideas with them.

They take the time to find out about children's interests. Children feel valued which supports their confidence and self-esteem. They tell visitors they really enjoy coming to the club and enthusiastically describe their favourite activities.

Staff encourage children to make independent choices. They plan the environment so children know where resources are kept. Children select their food and serve themselves.

They wash their plates and cups after eating. Staff see when children might need some support and are quick to respond.The newly appointed manager is being well supported by the provider and experienced manager from their nursery setting.

She has quickly settled into her management role. She is very keen to further enhance her knowledge and skills, as part of her professional development.Staff plan activities that appeal to the different ages of children who attend.

Children enjoy creating Easter cards to take home. Staff encourage the children to be creative and comment positively on the different ways children decorate their cards. Children show much pride in their finished products.

Children understand the importance of being kind to each other. The older children are very caring towards the youngest children. They play together and share resources.

New children are made very welcome by everyone. This helps them to feel confident and happy to be part of the club.Staff explain to children how the club rules keep everyone safe.

They sensitively remind children about the safest way to use resources, such as scissors. Staff make sure children are always well supervised, inside and outside.Parents describe the club as an essential part of the local community.

They praise the dedicated and welcoming staff team. Parents are confident that their children are safe and happy. They say that their children are often reluctant to leave the club when they come to collect them.

Staff understand how to support children's well-being after a busy day at school. They provide spaces and resources for children to relax and be physically active. Children especially enjoy playing energetic games, such as football, in the playground.

Other children enjoy being in a calm space where they can draw or chat with a friend.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Bowmandale Primary School

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