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Holy Trinity Church Centre, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1UP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children thrive and learn exceptionally well in this highly inclusive setting.
There is a strong focus on children's communication and language skills. This learning is evident across all groups of children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and those who speak English as an additional language. For example, staff access training on Makaton and use flash cards to communicate key words, and books and communication packs are provided for children to take home.
The manager's targeted use of additional funding ensures that children achieve the best possible outcomes. For example, a ...newly purchased mud kitchen promotes children's imagination and sensory play.The dedicated manager and her staff provide a highly ambitious and challenging curriculum which builds on children's interests.
For example, children brought in leaves and fur cones to show their friends. This reflected their interest in autumn subsequently inspired a painting activity, where children used different-sized leaves and fur cones to form prints with paint.Staff are consistent in promoting children's positive behaviour and attitudes.
Staff expertly explain to children how to behave and why. Children demonstrate their knowledge of this, for example by asking for an egg timer so that they can take turns to share a particular toy. Staff and children have very strong relationships that help children feel exceptionally safe and secure.
Staff spend a great deal of time learning about their key child and the child's family. As such, any additional support that children may need is swiftly identified, and times of transition, such as when children attend school, are managed extremely well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Parents feel thoroughly involved in their children's learning.
They are invited to stay-and-play mornings, 'watching' sessions to observe their child in a planned activity while meeting their key worker, and various celebratory events throughout the year. Parents feel that their views play a significant role in the setting's continued improvement. For example, cooking classes are being introduced following feedback from parents.
Parents speak extremely highly of the setting.Staff provide an exceptional range of resources to promote strong learning. For instance, the manager and staff focus very strongly on inclusion and provide resources that successfully challenge traditional gender, racial and cultural stereotypes.
Children celebrate diversity.The well-qualified manager and her staff have a clear vision for the setting's continued improvement. There is a strong focus on staff development and a robust programme of training to develop subject knowledge.
Staff have recently completed training on Makaton, safeguarding and child sexual exploitation. All staff report that this focus on development has made them even stronger practitioners.Teaching is consolidated by revisiting different concepts.
Children remember this knowledge and can apply it to different situations. For example, children were able to relate the story of 'The Hungry Caterpillar' to the caterpillars they kept at the setting over the summer. Children excitedly describe in detail how the caterpillars form a chrysalis and turn into butterflies.
Staff work extremely well together, and describe their colleagues and management as highly supportive. Managers respect staff well-being and have taken effective steps to reduce staff workload. For example, managers provide time within working hours to complete assessments, and dedicate days for staff training.
Staff retention is excellent.Staff are excellent communicators. Children of all abilities have opportunities to share ideas.
Staff use signing as a form of communication and this is deeply embedded in the setting. Staff use this as a way to encourage children who are still developing their speech or learning English as an additional language to make their own decisions and share ideas.Children have numerous opportunities to be active.
Children have free access to an outdoor space which is used in all weathers. All children have the opportunity to take part in weekly dance and ball skills classes to support physical health, coordination and endurance in a fun and exciting way.Staff use inspirational teaching techniques to enrich and extend children's learning.
They are enthusiastic and creative in their approach, which holds children's interest and attention, supporting them to become enthusiastic and passionate learners.Children's behaviour is exemplary. They know the setting routines and 'rainbow rules' extremely well.
For example, in small-group activities, children put their hands up to answer a question and listen to their friends' ideas. They are respectful and kind to each other.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The manager ensures that staff keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date. All staff complete relevant training and discuss safeguarding issues in staff meetings. Staff have an excellent and thorough understanding of how to deal with concerns about children's welfare.
They are very familiar with the whistleblowing policy and procedures for reporting allegations. Staff have an exceptional understanding of signs which may indicate that children are at risk of harm, both within the setting and within the wider community. For example, the signs which may indicate a child has been exposed to radical or extremist views.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.