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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive excited for their time at this welcoming and inclusive club. They are greeted by warm, friendly staff who know their needs well. Children chatter happily to their friends and staff with whom they have built good relationships with.
They show that they know the routine well, and what is expected of them. Children are consistently busy and engaged at play. They choose their own activities and invite staff to join in with them.
For example, children immerse themselves in the craft resources. They share the equipment and speak to each other about what they are making. Children are proud to show staff what they ...have made.
This helps children to feel that their contributions are valued. Children demonstrate excellent behaviour; they listen and follow instructions from the staff with ease. The older children act as good role models and show kindness to the younger children.
They learn to follow simple routines to help them become independent. For example, they choose where they would like to play, show maturity and confidence when preparing snack and help to wash up after. Children show they are happy and content at the club and have their needs met exceptionally well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has clear expectations of what they would like children to achieve during their time at the club. Staff evaluate the provision regularly to ensure that it is inclusive and meets the needs of the children attending. The provider has high expectations for staff.
Regular supervisions provide time for staff to discuss their well-being and workloads. Staff comment that they feel valued and well supported by the provider.Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of how to keep children safe.
They deploy themselves effectively in the outdoor area to ensure that they can see children at all times. Staff keep their knowledge of safeguarding updated through training and ensure that contact numbers for other agencies are readily available.Staff follow children's ideas and interests when planning activities for the children to enjoy.
Children freely access a wide variety of resources to enhance their play. For example, they dress themselves in their favourite costumes and act out familiar stories. This helps sustain children's engagement in play for long periods of time.
Furthermore, staff support children to learn new skills. For example, children have shown a current interest in learning to crochet, they spend periods of time watching staff, then learning how to do this on their own. Children beam in delight as they repeat this and achieve their goal.
This bolsters children's confidence.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff work closely with the school and parents to ensure they meet the needs of children and provide consistency.
This means children receive the support they need to take part in all activities.Staff encourage children to make healthy choices. Children have ample of time to be physically active and enjoy the free-flow access to the outside area.
They initiate games with each other such as chasing hoops and playing football. Furthermore, snacks provided for the children are balanced, healthy, and consider the children's varying needs.Staff work closely with parents who are incredibly complimentary about the setting.
They praise the skilled staff team who know their children incredibly well. They gather in-depth information from parents before their children start to enable the club to meet their needs. Parents are kept well informed through the settings communication verbally and via email.
Furthermore, parents are welcomed into the club to collect their children and speak to staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.