Rainbow Pre School

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About Rainbow Pre School

Name Rainbow Pre School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Millbrook Centre, Churchill Way, KETTERING, Northamptonshire, NN15 5BZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children flourish and thrive in this caring and friendly pre-school. They display positive attitudes to their learning. Children are happy and settle quickly.

They secure strong attachments to the staff and this helps them to feel safe. Children behave well. Staff support children to share, take turns in their play and treat their friends with kindness.

The well-qualified and experienced staff understand how children learn and have high ambitions for every child. They are committed to providing children and families with good-quality provision. Children who speak English as an additional language are particularly well ...supported.

Staff are skilled at helping children to gain the skills they need to understand and communicate fluently in English. Children make good progress in their development and are well prepared for when they move on to school. Children develop new skills as they explore and investigate.

For example, they spontaneously go on bug hunts and use their observation skills to identify different insects. Children become excited as they look under stones to see if they can find any bugs. They are thrilled when they find a big spider in a web.

Children comment on how it is not moving and how they think this is because it is hungry. They engage in long conversations with staff about what they think spiders eat.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff get to know the children well.

This helps them to build children's confidence and boost their self-esteem. Children confidently handle a range of tools skilfully. For example, they use large spoons to stir the flour when making dough.

Staff weave mathematical language through activities. Children spontaneously count aloud, recognise numbers and use mathematical language in their play. For example, they compare the shape of a 'wiggly' worm to the number two.

Children are enthusiastic and capable learners. They demonstrate high levels of motivation and excitement in exploring the resources and initiating their own play ideas. Children develop good social skills as they learn to cooperate in their play.

They listen carefully to instructions and learn to take turns in conservation. Children use their manners routinely. For example, when they accidentally bump into another child, they are quick to say sorry.

Staff assess and track children's progress accurately. This helps them to plan for children's individual needs and to narrow any potential gaps in children's learning. Additional funding is used effectively to provide targeted support for the most vulnerable children.

Staff plan new experiences for children that prepare them well for their future learning.Children benefit from being physically active. They enjoy spending time playing outdoors daily.

Staff support children to gain independence and to manage their own self-care needs. For example, children pour their own drinks at snack time and put their own coats on when playing outdoors.Staff commentate on children's play and ask them questions to extend their thinking.

They describe what children see and what they are doing to help them make sense of their play. However, during some planned activities, staff do not always allow children enough time to think things through before moving on to the next question.Children are curious and inquisitive.

They show an interest in solving problems. For example, when the dough they are making becomes too crumbly, children suggest adding more water.Partnerships with parents are effective.

Staff keep parents informed of their children's progress through daily conversations and regular meetings. They provide parents with support and guidance to continue learning at home.The manager provides opportunities for staff to discuss their practice and any concerns they have about their workload.

She works closely with parents and staff to identify areas for continued development. Overall, the quality of teaching is good. However, monitoring of individual staff practice is not yet sharply focused on raising the quality of teaching to the highest level.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are vigilant. They have a clear understanding of their responsibility to protect children from harm.

Staff know how to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse. They undertake regular child protection training to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. Staff are aware of the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child in their care.

They also carry out regular risk assessments and respond promptly to keep children safe. Staff are deployed well and ensure that the premises are kept safe and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide children with more time to think through and respond to questions during activities before moving on to the next question strengthen ongoing professional development opportunities to build on staff's knowledge and skills and to raise the quality of teaching to the highest level.

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