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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff warmly greet children as they arrive. They establish good partnerships with parents and carers as they exchange information about children's experiences. Children enjoy their time at the club.
They feel safe and secure to engage in suitable activities, such as threading string through the holes they have made themselves using a hole punch. Staff purposely organise the continuous provision to ensure all children can make independent choices. For instance, at breakfast time, children have control of what they want to eat and the quantity.
This promotes their happiness. Staff encourage children to communicate their wish...es and feelings. For example, children ask for beanbags to further enhance their experiences in the cosy area.
Staff observe children as they play. They change activities to promote their engagement. Consequently, children of all ages interact positively with one another, demonstrating good behaviours.
They teach each other how to play a game of chess and share their ideas as they look at a book. These moments demonstrate children's strong socials skills and respect for others.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The club manager is also the early years leader at the host school, therefore, she purposefully plans for some of the club activities to be like the ones taught at school.
As a result, children are visibly stimulated as they engage in activities which support their skills and abilities.There are secure arrangements in place to help children to settle well. For example, staff encourage all children and their parents to visit the club prior to them starting.
This helps staff to assess children's confidence and organise the continuous provision to meet children's individual needs and interests.The club offers a good balance of freedom and staff oversight to promote children's growing independence. For instance, staff mindfully assist younger children to make their own breakfast, such as holding the bowl as children concentrate on pouring the milk.
This helps children to develop the confidence to later do things for themselves.Children develop a positive social awareness of others. For instance, they tell staff when they have concerns for another, and they notice when their peers are absent.
Staff praise children for their kindness and they discuss how others may be feeling to reinforce caring relationships.Children learn expected behaviours through discussions with staff. For instance, when children spill milk, they kindly explain the importance of cleaning up the mess before they leave the table.
However, staff do not fully promote hygiene routines to ensure children's hands are always clean before meals.Staff confidently evaluate the experiences and routines they provide children to promote their inclusion. For instance, they ensure there is always a creative activity available to children during the morning session to benefit those who do not attend after-school club.
Staff work collaboratively with school staff to support disadvantaged children and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They fully understand their roles and responsibilities to help children to reach their full potential. Parents of children with SEND positively praise staff for 'accommodating' their children's needs and interests.
There are procedures in place to ensure that staff's and children's personal mobile phones are stored away appropriately to promote children's safety. However, the manager has yet to implement strategies which help children to identify and know what to do if they encounter potential risks when accessing the internet.The manager is aware of the areas she wishes to develop further to ensure the club continues to grow, including the need to nurture staff's confidence through further coaching, supervision, and monitoring.
This is because, at times, staff are not confident enough to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.