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34-35 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London, E14 9TS
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff in the nursery provide a safe and stimulating environment, where all areas of the indoor provision are accessible to the children. Staff work hard to get to know and understand the children in their care. This is done by providing settling-in visits as well as enabling parents to stay with their children and providing effective strategies to help families during this time.
This means children feel safe and secure at the nursery. Staff observe children while they are playing and then use this information to plan more activities based on children's interests, taking account of their next steps for development.Staff place a ...strong focus on developing children's independence, and this is continually encouraged and supported.
Activities are planned to develop skills to support children's independence. For example, children practise using tools to cut play dough and fruit in the home corner to develop the skills to use cutlery at mealtimes. Children show confidence in their learning abilities and share their achievements with staff.
In response, staff offer praise and recognition for children's successes and invite children to celebrate these successes. Staff also support children's wider knowledge and understanding of people, communities and cultures by encouraging them to learn about the traditions celebrated by their friends at home. Staff provide consistency with rules and boundaries that support children's understanding and promote positive behaviour.
Children behave well and demonstrate good manners.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is child-led and ambitious. Staff consider the different ways in which children learn and they know what the children need to learn next.
Staff use this knowledge to swiftly identify any gaps in learning. This supports all children to make good progress.Staff provide good support to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They are attentive to their needs and consistent with their approaches. Leaders work alongside other professionals involved in children's care to ensure continuity in children's ongoing progress.Generally, staff's teaching across the setting is good.
Children develop good language skills as they enjoy looking at and listening to stories. Younger children hear language and learn new words to enhance their skills. Older children hold back-and-forth conversations with staff, eagerly sharing what they know.
However, staff ask children questions in quick succession. This does not give children time to develop their thoughts and form their response.Overall, transitions and routines support children to develop their confidence and independence skills well.
At lunchtimes, children serve themselves food and water and use cutlery to feed themselves. Staff interact warmly with children during nappy changes and at sleep time, which helps children to feel secure. However, on occasions, during transitions to story time and lunchtime, children are waiting too long and this can lead to them feeling restless.
Mathematics is incorporated well into children's activities. Staff encourage counting during their play. Mathematical language is introduced, which children then use independently in their play.
For example, children create worms with play dough and compare which is longer or shorter. These experiences give children a secure base knowledge of mathematics.Staff use books well to support children's learning, and children develop a love of books.
They understand how books work and to look after books carefully. Children take the time to look at books independently. They enjoy listening to stories and eagerly re-tell their favourite stories as they play.
Staff know the children and their families very well. Parents' feedback is very positive. They feel supported and say communication is a key strength.
These successful relationships support the links between home and the nursery.Staff report that they receive high levels of support in their role. They feel that leaders are always approachable.
Leaders regularly observe staff's teaching and practice. They provide constructive feedback and training opportunities to help staff continually develop their teaching skills. The leaders have a high regard for all members of staff and prioritise their well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff's understanding of the importance of giving children time to process ideas and share their thoughts to maximise their learning further consider transitions during the day so that children are not left waiting for long periods.