Rising Stars Day Nursery And Preschool

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About Rising Stars Day Nursery And Preschool

Name Rising Stars Day Nursery And Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Prospect Hall, 28-42 Prospect Road, WOODFORD GREEN, Essex, IG8 7NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The nursery is run with care and compassion, creating a place where all children and families are welcomed and supported. Staff greet children warmly as they arrive at nursery in the morning, which helps them to separate from their parents and carers with ease and make a confident start to the day.

Staff plan an appropriate curriculum for children, helping them to make good progress in their learning and development. A well-resourced and managed environment, with lots of space, supports children to take part in indoor and outdoor play. Children learn social skills as they play with each other, sharing toys and taking turns.
Adults skilfully help children to communicate effectively, engaging in back-and-forth conversations with them. For children who are not yet speaking, staff use signs, alongside words, to support their language development. Positive behaviour is modelled and encouraged by adults consistently throughout the day.

They work sensitively with children, using a variety of resources to help them to understand and name their emotions. This boosts children's self-esteem and confidence. Adults allow time for children to respond to what is being asked of them, encouraging them patiently.

Children respond positively to this by seeking out adults when they need comfort and assurance.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The nursery is clean and tidy and there is a strong focus on hygiene and cleanliness. With sensitive support and guidance from adults, children learn to use the toilet independently.

Staff explain to the children that they need to wash their hands properly, so that germs are sent down the drain. This promotes children's understanding of keeping healthy and developing good life-long self-care habits.Parent partnership is a great strength at the nursery.

Parents state that the nursery is a very welcoming place and that their children are happy. They value the support they receive from the staff and explain that the nursery keeps them informed of their children's progress and next steps. They explain that the nursery team go above and beyond to ensure their children receive the support they need.

Staff plan activities for children which are stimulating and engaging. Circle times help children to develop good 'looking and listening' skills. The home corner helps them to learn that fruits and vegetables are healthy for them.

On occasion, activities in large groups mean that some children miss out on learning, as they are not yet confident to take part.Leaders act with integrity and are highly committed to ensuring children with special educational needs and/or disabilities achieve the best possible outcomes.Assessment is used effectively, so any gaps in children's learning are quickly identified, with support from external agencies requested in a timely manner.

The nursery uses funding appropriately to put in early support for children. For example, staff access specialist speech and language development training. This contributes towards children making rapid progress, helping them to integrate into nursery life.

Staff offer a variety of activities to support children's learning and development. Mark making in the sand helps them to develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Story times help children learn about animals and that some live on farms and some live in the jungle.

Children giggle and laugh together as they join in action songs and count the number of legs on a big hairy spider. However, staff do not consistently make the most of children's interactions to extend children's learning, by helping them to make links between what they already know and what they are currently exploring.Staff speak highly of the support they receive from leaders.

Monthly supervisions help them to develop their practice and share any concerns and worries. They state that accessing regular training helps them to develop their knowledge on child development. This has contributed to a stable and motivated staff team that feels valued and supported.

The leadership team keep up to date with developments in the early years by accessing training offered by the local authority. They spend time alongside staff, modelling best practice and have a strong vision for the nursery. They are highly dedicated to ensuring all children enjoy and thrive during their time here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider the organisation of large-group activities to ensure that all children can contribute and benefit fully nuse child-initiated learning opportunities to help children make links with what they already know and extend their learning further.

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