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About Rising Stars Wrap Around Club
Rising Stars Wrap Around Club
Mary Exton Primary School, St. Michaels Road, Hitchin, SG4 0QA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They are cheerfully welcomed by staff and demonstrate that they are happy, safe and settled.
Children develop good relationships with staff and other children who attend. Older children are caring of the younger children and offer help when they can. Children understand the rules and routines of the club.
They learn to share, take their turn and be kind to their friends. Children are able to independently choose from a good range of age-appropriate resources and activities. They enjoy being creative and enthusiastically use a range of craft materials to make Olympic torches....
Children make models out of construction resources, complete puzzles and look at books for enjoyment. They enjoy being physically active in the fresh air and gymnasium. Children receive clear instruction about how to trampoline safely.
They listen well, patiently wait their turn and smile with delight as they bounce on the trampoline. Children learn new skills, such as table tennis and archery. They receive enthusiastic praise from staff when they hit the archery target.
Children have fun playing games, which challenge their physical skills and encourages them to move their bodies in a variety of ways.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider, senior management team and the staff are very clear of their roles and responsibilities. The team spirit is strong.
Staff work very well together as they share ideas and support one another. They act as positive role models to the children and talk to them in a calm and consistent manner. The children's well-being, safety and enjoyment at the club are given high priority.
Staff have adapted daily routines, in view of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, to ensure the good health of the children attending. Parents are not allowed in the buildings, the children's temperature is taken on arrival and they regularly sanitise their hands during their time at the club. Staff also ensure that areas used by the children are clean and regularly sanitised.
A welcoming and friendly atmosphere greets all children and their families. Staff supervise the children well. They join in their play, readily talk and show a genuine interest in what they are doing.
Children confidently seek reassurance and ask for help if needed, which supports their emotional well-being.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities effectively. They work closely with the child's family to ensure their needs are met.
This includes swiftly purchasing equipment to support children's ongoing care. All children are included in the range of activities, and picture cards are used to support them to understand what they are doing now and what will come next. Consequently, children have lots of fun alongside their friends.
The partnership working with parents is good. Parents are able to access the good range of information available on the club's website. This includes information about activities, policies and staffing arrangements.
Furthermore, a daily exchange of information takes place at the start and end of the session. This effectively supports continuity in the children's care. Staff also work in partnership with the host school.
They meet regularly with the school teachers, including the school special educational needs coordinator.Staff ensure that information is obtained and recorded about any special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies. Children follow good hygiene routines.
They independently wash and dry their hands, which minimises the risk of infection. Mealtimes are sociable occasions. Children demonstrate good table manners and staff regularly remind all children to have a drink of water.
This ensures children remain hydrated.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team and staff are able to recognise potential safeguarding concerns.
They understand the importance of taking prompt action to help protect children from harm. Staff complete regular training to strengthen their safeguarding knowledge. Risk assessments are effective.
Staff complete daily checks to ensure the premises and outdoor areas are safe and secure. Additionally, staff are deployed effectively to keep children safe. The management team follows secure recruitment procedures and background checks are completed to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.