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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are greeted by staff as they enter this nursery school and are happy to start their learning. Supporting children's emotional well-being is an important part of the curriculum.
Staff help children to feel settled and organise the environment to provide space for children to regulate their emotions when they experience times of challenge. They talk to children about how they are feeling and help them to recognise what will help them to feel better. This helps children to be resilient and manage any difficulties they encounter.
The nursery school has a mentor dog, who serves as a unique resource for children. St...aff teach children how to recognise signals from the dog to show she is happy for them to approach her. This in turn teaches children to recognise emotional signals from their friends and develop a sense of empathy.
The curriculum is ambitious for all children. Leaders and staff are successful at implementing educational programmes that build on children's existing knowledge. They provide experiences which broaden children's understanding of their local community and of each other.
Children are highly skilled and competent by the time they move to school. There is a strong focus on language development in the curriculum. Staff are skilled at extending children's vocabulary and supporting them to think critically through the exciting activities they offer.
Children are keen and motivated to engage in learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have a secure knowledge of the curriculum and are skilled at teaching children. They plan activities that stem from what they know about children and extend their learning further.
Staff support them to recall things they have previously learned and provide plenty of opportunities to practise developing skills so that their learning is consolidated. Children enjoy making discoveries about the sea and name animals such as sea horses and clownfish.The curriculum for mathematics is good.
Younger children learn about early concepts such as filling and emptying as they play in sand. Learning is then sequenced as children move through the nursery school to introduce size and basic counting. When children reach the pre-school room, staff play games with them to help them learn about more complex concepts, such as subitising.
As a result, children develop a keenness to engage in mathematics.Children become independent. Younger children learn to tidy up after themselves and clean their plates after eating.
Older children demonstrate their independence more confidently. They make choices over their learning, manage their intimate care needs and take responsibility for their own belongings. This helps children to become self-sufficient, ready for their move to school.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make good progress. Leaders and staff know children well and work closely with parents and other professionals to make sure they receive the support they need. For example, children with a physical disability are encouraged to walk independently.
Staff implement advice from medical professionals, and as a result, children are able to move around outdoors with their friends. This means all children have full access to the curriculum.Generally, staff embed daily routines throughout the nursery school effectively.
For example, older children know that they need to tidy away and line up when it is time to come in from outdoors. They do this without prompting. However, the organisation of routines for younger children at lunchtime is not as effective.
Staff do not always supervise children when eating or when using the bathroom to ensure they have washed their hands.Leaders are passionate about the care and education they offer to children. They recognise the importance of having a knowledgeable and skilled staff team that helps children to make good progress.
They have effective arrangements in place for supervising and monitoring staff practice. They are reflective and identify areas of the nursery school where they can make improvements. This means that the experiences being offered to children are continually improving.
Parents and carers comment highly about the nursery school. They say staff are friendly and are amazed at the things children learn there. They put the progress children have made down to the teaching and experiences offered.
They say they feel listened to and receive regular ideas of how to support children at home. Wider family members say they feel equally as valued as parents. This helps children to experience consistency in their care.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of routines for younger children, particularly at lunchtime, to ensure their needs are met at all times.