Rossett Acre Funclub

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About Rossett Acre Funclub

Name Rossett Acre Funclub
Address Rossett Acre Primary School, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy attending this setting. There is a range of activities set out for children. Staff plan activities to gain children's focus and attention throughout the session.

For example, children enjoy taking part in a treasure hunt around the playground. Children have access to the large school playground and field in which they can run around. This allows them to develop their physical skills further and burn off excess energy.

Children behave exceptionally well and are clear on the expectations. Children are consistently reminded of the rules of the setting. For example, they are reminded to walk inside....r/>
The mixed ages of children works well. Children can engage with children outside of their year group. This also means older children can support the younger children with tasks.

Staff show an interest in activities and join in with games. For example, members of staff engage in a game of indoor tennis. As a result, children engage in their chosen activities for long periods of time.

Staff ensure children's safety remains a top priority. Staff have a very good understanding of how to keep children safe online and within the setting. Children have made close bonds with the adults.

They feel comfortable to share their worries and concerns.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The setting works very closely with the school in which they are based. This helps to ensure children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported.

The setting provide activities which have been advised by the school as part of children's education, health and care plans.Staff plan a range of activities to support children's understanding of a range of cultures and celebrations. For example, children have recently taken part in a range of activities to support their understanding of Eid.

This teaches children about the diversity of cultures in which we live.The manager and directors are passionate about their role. They are reflective of their practice and have a robust induction process in place.

Directors plan ongoing annual training for staff. For example, training is provided on outdoor play to further support staff's interactions with children. Managers regularly meet with individual staff to identify any additional training or support needed.

As a result, staff report they feel very well supported.Children learn how to keep safe within the setting and follow safety rules. Children understand what to do when the fire alarm sounds.

They line up at the door with a member of staff ready to evacuate. On other occasions, staff gain children's attention by clapping their hands. This ensures all children are paying attention and ready to receive further instructions.

Parents are extremely happy with the care children receive. They share with the inspector how much their children love coming to the setting and comment that their child often does not wish to leave at the end of the day. They receive regular updates from the setting through an online app and newsletters.

Parents comment on the wide range of activities that are available to ensure their children do not become bored.The manager works extremely well with staff from the school. School staff provide positive feedback.

They comment on how organised the setting is and the excellent communication they have with the manager. Staff take guidance from the school about what they are learning to further support this after school in a fun way. This is especially important for the children in early years.

Children are supported to be independent and further develop their self-help skills. They are given choices about what they would like to have for their afternoon snack. Younger children are helped to use the bathroom, while their privacy is respected.

Staff have an excellent understanding of safeguarding. They work in partnership with the school to ensure any concerns are shared appropriately. Staff deal with any concerns promptly and ensure they provide guidance to parents, especially on subjects such as online safety.

There is a strict mobile phone policy within the setting for both staff and children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Rossett Acre Primary School

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