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Bentilee Nursery, Chelmsford Drive, Stoke On Trent, ST2 0JW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children demonstrate that they feel safe, happy, settled, and are motivated to participate in the rich learning experiences that staff have prepared.
They arrive at the nursery with elevated levels of enthusiasm and anticipation for the day, and excitedly greet their friends and the staff. Staff have a deep understanding of how young children develop, and they plan fun activities to support children's future learning. Staff sing familiar songs with babies and toddlers, and use props and instruments to increase their concentration and enjoyment.
They add coloured scarves and play peekaboo games, which delight bab...ies. Babies squeal with laughter and show that they have very strong bonds with staff. The new manager has supported her team in creating an extremely ambitious curriculum that gives children rich experiences.
The whole staff team is enthusiastic, knowledgeable and highly ambitious for all children who attend. The staff continuously seek the views of children, parents and other professionals to review the quality of the provision they provide. Any gaps in children's learning, or identified needs, are communicated to parents.
Support is put in place without delay, ensuring that all children make the best possible progress in their learning. Staff demonstrate their high expectations of children's behaviours, gently correcting unwanted behaviour and reinforcing positive behaviour with their meaningful discussions and praise. On the rare occasion when an unkind interaction occurs, staff are quick to respond and encourage children to remember the 'golden rules'.
Staff consistently model respectful behaviour and boundaries. As a result, children are calm and their behaviour across the nursery is excellent.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make exceptional progress in their learning and development.
Staff use their knowledge of the children to expertly adapt their teaching and practice so that children with SEND continue to benefit from an inclusive and challenging curriculum. Staff work incredibly well with a wide range of professionals to improve outcomes for children.The manager effectively uses funding to give children opportunities that they may not ordinarily have.
For example, funding has been used to give children access to multi-sensory resources to help them manage their emotions when they feel a need to be calm. Story sacks, home learning kits and stay-and-play sessions help parents to support their child's learning at home.Staff use their detailed knowledge of their key children and their observations and assessments of children's progress to plan appropriate next steps to move children's learning forward.
Staff regularly share children's next steps in learning with parents to offer a highly complementary approach to children's care and learning to maximise the progress they make.Staff use children's interests to ignite their engagement, strengthen their communication skills and help them acquire new vocabulary. Staff working with babies and toddlers talk to them constantly using clear and gentle tones and expressive facial expressions to convey meaning and emotions.
Older children's vocabulary is constantly extended through the themes and topics. For example, they use words such as 'Arctic', 'Antarctic' and 'climate' in their winter problem-solving activity.Staff skilfully weave mathematics through daily activities and experiences.
For example, staff support children to learn about colours, shapes and balance as they build with coloured blocks, counting as they do so. Staff seize these opportunities to discuss building 'along' or 'higher' and size and shape comparisons.Staff ensure that all children are given opportunities to be exposed to new experiences and skills to give them a firm foundation in their learning.
For example, staff arrange trips that familiarise children with public transport, such as taking them on the bus and visiting the local food market. These opportunities develop children's sense of community.Children demonstrate high levels of independence.
Staff encourage them to take an active part in their own self-care. This is evident in all age groups, with toileting, handwashing, feeding themselves and tidying away resources at the end of each session. Staff effectively consider children's personal development.
For example, they support children to offer personal opinions and make choices about their learning. As a result, children develop high levels of confidence and self-esteem and feel that they and their opinions are valued by others.Children are provided with freshly prepared and well-balanced vegetarian meals, which are cooked on site daily.
Children are introduced to healthy lifestyles, and staff place a strong emphasis on promoting healthy choices. For example, during mealtimes, they talk to the children about making healthy food choices. Children independently access water as they need it.
Partnerships with parents are exceptional. The staff strive to build strong relationships and provide ongoing support for parents. Parents speak very highly of the setting.
They praise the excellent communication and the dedication of the staff team.The new manager's passion for her work, her high attention to detail and excellent leadership inspire her team. Staff report feeling incredibly well supported by their manager and the provider.
They are fully supported to further their careers and professional development through robust supervision, mentoring and training opportunities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.