Rushey Green Nursery Limited

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About Rushey Green Nursery Limited

Name Rushey Green Nursery Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address 41 Rushey Green, London, SE6 4AS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children demonstrate through their interactions with staff that they feel happy and secure. Staff are caring towards the children.

They build strong bonds; all children readily seek reassurance and comfort when they need it. Children of all ages enjoy actively exploring the different areas of the nursery and independently accessing activities. For example, younger children access the reading area and select books that interest them, which staff read to them.

Children are developing a love of reading as staff read stories with animated voices to capture children's imagination. Children enjoy many songs, joining in with ...the actions and familiar words. This supports their communication and language development.

Children behave well. Staff set good expectations for children's behaviour and adapt their support according to the ages of the children. Older children learn to be patient and regulate their behaviour as they readily wait to see the next object during a listening activity.

Staff are positive role models. They speak calmly and politely as they support younger children in turn-taking. This helps children learn how to interact with others and develop excellent social skills from an early age.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The managers and staff implement a well-sequenced curriculum. However, sometimes, staff do not always identify opportunities in children's play when they can take their learning to the next level. For instance, staff do not consistently challenge children's learning to build on what they know and can already do.

In this way, children are not consistently provided with high levels of challenge throughout the day.The special educational needs coordinator works well with staff to ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported in their development. Staff have high expectations for every child, including children with SEND and those from a disadvantaged background.

Staff work expertly with other professionals and any delays in children's learning is identified early. As a result, all children are making progress.Staff foster children's communication and language skills well, including those who speak English as an additional language.

They introduce children to new vocabulary effectively as they sing and read stories. Children eagerly answer open-ended questions during 'bucket time', which promotes their language and thinking. At times, staff talk to children in their home languages and use keywords.

This supports children to become confident and skilful communicators.Children have ample opportunities to develop a love of books and reading as they borrow books from the nursery's lending library. They have access to well-resourced comfy book corners and have regular story times.

Staff support children's early literacy skills well. Following a recent literacy project, children and their parents enjoy walks around the community looking for 'logo's' to support children's early reading skills.Children develop their physical skills as they play.

Babies build up core strength as they practise their walking and exploring the environment. Older children balance, run and throw and catch balls in the outdoor area. Older children practise their fine motor skills as they use tongs to pick up toy dinosaurs in the sand.

Managers and staff place a high value on partnerships with parents to ensure that each child's individual needs are met successfully. Parents are kept well informed about their child's learning and development. This collaborative partnership ensures consistency in the children's care.

Children enjoy counting as they sing number songs, count how many balls they can find and describe how many more tracks they need to build their train track. However, staff do not foster children's knowledge of wider mathematical concepts, such as weight, measurement and height, as effectively.The managers implement regular programme of supervision and meetings with their staff team.

They support staff's ongoing professional development well and they regularly complete training. The managers recognise the impact of COVID-19 and engage with the recovery program to access training and projects. This supports staff to develop good practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: build on the existing good practice and seek further ways to help all staff to extend children's learning during activities strengthen mathematical activities to promote children's knowledge of wider mathematical concepts.

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