SCL @ Heatherside Infant

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About SCL @ Heatherside Infant

Name SCL @ Heatherside Infant
Address Heatherside Infant School, Reading Road South, Fleet, GU52 7TH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are eager to enter the well-resourced setting and engage well with their friends.

On arrival at the club, they are given the opportunity to write their names on a 'feelings' board, indicating if they are feeling happy, sad or not sure. This enables staff to identify children who may need more one-to-one time or extra emotional support. Children comment that they feel safe and secure at the club.

They describe the staff as friendly, approachable and feel confident to talk to them if they are worried about anything.Children enjoy the time they spend outdoors. They demonstrate good physical skills as they use a varie...ty of equipment.

Staff supervise children well when using apparatus and recognise when some children are trying hard to achieve difficult tasks. They offer them ideas on how to achieve these. For example, as children use 'monkey bars', staff suggest that they swing their legs backwards and forwards, to help them to reach the next bar.

When children achieve this, staff give them lots of praise.Children play harmoniously alongside their peers. They have a good understanding of the rules and boundaries of the club and why these exist.

Children respond quickly to instructions from adults. For example, when staff blow a whistle, they stop what they are doing and listen to instructions from staff. This helps children to stay safe.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers are committed to providing high-quality, inclusive care for all children and their families. They are aware of the importance of ensuring that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, benefit from full access to the provision.Staff encourage children to be independent in managing their own activities.

Resources are easily accessible to enable children to choose what they want to do. Children of all ages have tremendous fun as they role play being chefs, servers and customers in a 'restaurant'. The servers take the food orders and ask the customers if they enjoyed their meals and question if they want to see the ''dessert' menu.

Children spend prolonged periods at this activity and recreate their personal experiences.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and conduct. They engage with children during their play and act as positive role models to them.

Children are kind, caring and show high levels of respect and tolerance for others. Older children are very caring towards younger children. They give them cuddles and include them in their play.

For example, they invite them to play games of tag and ensure that they have a turn.Overall, staff interact well with children and actively become involved in their play. They plan a good range of experiences to keep children occupied.

However, staff occasionally become too focused on adult-led activities, and do not recognise when to adapt these in response to children's needs. For example, they do not notice when children need to be physically active and adapt the timings of activities in response to this.Staff have established effective links with parents and the schools that children attend.

They share regular information with them, to ensure children's emotional and care needs are met. Parents speak highly about the club and comment on how happy their children are.Leaders and managers ensure that staff are well supported in their roles.

Effective supervisions support staff's ongoing development. Leaders and managers ensure staff are confident in their roles and responsibilities. They do this through regular training, meetings and quizzes to evaluate staff's knowledge and understanding.

Staff teach children about keeping themselves safe and healthy. For example, they discuss online safety and how to use technology in a safe and appropriate way. Children learn about healthy foods and the importance of following good hygiene routines.

This helps children to form healthy habits for life.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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