SS ltd @ Swanbourne House School

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About SS ltd @ Swanbourne House School

Name SS ltd @ Swanbourne House School
Address Swanbourne House School, Swanbourne, MILTON KEYNES, MK17 0HZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and show excitement as they arrive at the club.

Staff hold a welcome meeting with children each morning. They share the plan for the day and what activities are available for the children.Children build positive relationships with their peers and staff.

They enjoy seeing old friends and making new ones. Children talk about their favourite games and what they are most looking forward to for the day. Staff sit with the children and talk about the expectations of behaviour and the routine of the day.

Children know what to expect and when, and they are quick to respond to requests from staff. For ex...ample, they collect their belongings ready to get changed for their swimming lesson. Children are independent and manage their personal care needs well.

Staff are available to support children who might need help. Children learn about safety around and in the pool. Staff talk to children about pool safety to ensure that they know how to keep themselves safe.

Staff are enthusiastic in their approach to all activities. They join in with the children and encourage them to take part. Children enjoy team games and being physically active.

Staff and children cheer each other on and celebrate their achievements in the games.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers have a clear vision of the high-quality care they provide for children. They plan a range of sports and activities that are interesting and fun for the children.

They adapt activities to encourage all children to join in. Staff ensure that activities reflect the different ages and developmental stages of the children taking part. They gather key information about children before they attend the club.

Leaders have secure processes in place to ensure the ongoing suitability of those working with children. Staff receive supervision and training at the start of each camp. This supports their understanding of their role and responsibility.

Leaders ensure that staff hold the qualifications they need to deliver sports activities. For example, a qualified swim teacher and lifeguard ensure children are safe during swimming lessons as part of the day's activities.Children work well together in team games; they share their ideas with each other of how they are going to work together as a team.

Children listen to and value the opinions of others. Staff model the behaviour they expect to see from the children and model respectful and polite interactions. Children follow the good examples set as they get along together and build friendships.

Staff build good relationships with parents. They share information about the day and provide feedback on the activities children have enjoyed. Parents are assured that their children are safe and enjoy a wide range of sports and activities throughout the time their children attend the club.

Children show that they feel safe and secure in their surroundings. They enjoy their time at the club and the friendships they have made. Children talk about the adults caring for them and the fun they have.

Children are polite and kind to each other. Older children care for younger children and help them in team games. For example, they demonstrate the rules of the game to help younger children understand and feel included.

Younger children are keen to join in, and they show joy in the activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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