Sanderlings Day Nursery

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About Sanderlings Day Nursery

Name Sanderlings Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 59 North Parade, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 3AL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wirral
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff at this nursery are kind and nurturing. They greet children warmly when they arrive and quickly settle them into play. The 'home-from-home' environment helps children to feel relaxed and safe which promotes their emotional well-being.

Staff are positive role models. They use good manners and gently remind children about the importance of sharing and turn taking with their friends. Children behave very well.

They know the daily routine and what is expected of them. Children are respectful and friendly to their friends and the staff. They are developing lovely social skills.

The curriculum for literacy dev...elopment is a strength at the nursery. Leaders and staff recognise the importance of literacy skills and help children to develop a love of books. Children access the nursery lending library routinely to extend their learning at home.

Staff read to children, pointing out key words and encouraging them to copy. For children who speak English as an additional language, staff use electronic devices that enable them to hear key words in their home language. Staff support younger children to develop pre-writing skills, using prompts, such as 'top to bottom' to help them form lines.

Older children confidently write their names and other recognisable letters. They are developing some of the skills they need for school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has some good ideas of the different things she wants children to learn.

She considers children's interests and what they need to learn next. Staff plan topics which help to shape the curriculum and capture children's interests. Overall, staff implement the curriculum effectively and children make good progress.

However, children spend a lot of time in free play. During this time staff do not always consider leaders intentions precisely enough. As such, children are not always consistently building on their existing skills.

Staff monitor children's development each term. They work with the nursery special educational needs and disability coordinator (SENDCo) to identify and address any gaps in children's learning. The SENDCo has links with outside professionals and seeks additional support for children when necessary.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make progress from their individual starting points over time.The curriculum for communication and language development is effective. Staff introduce a range of new vocabulary to children, such as 'nozzle' and 'pincer'.

They engage children in back-and-forth conversations about their interests and homelife. Younger children hear staff narrating about what they are doing, which broadens the range of words they hear. Children are becoming confident and articulate communicators.

Overall, the key-person approach is effective. Staff get to know children well and engage in lovely interactions with them. However, when key persons are absent, there are occasions when remaining staff are unsure of the specific strategies in place to support those children who need extra help.

At these times, teaching is not focused sharply enough on how these children learn best, therefore, hindering the progress they make.Children have a lovely attitude to learning, particularly in the outdoor area. They learn to plant fruits and vegetables and explore minibeasts in the bug garden.

Children show perseverance and determination when learning to use the water butt independently. After proudly succeeding, they fill watering cans and water their plants. Children are eager and motivated to engage in play and learning.

Parents are happy with the quality of care provided. Staff provide parents with information about children's development and ideas of how this can be extended at home. Parents feel involved in children's learning and visit the nursery to help teach them about their job roles.

This broadens children's knowledge and strengthens the partnership between nursery and home further.The provider and manager work well together. They are incredibly flexible to support staff well-being and retain the long-standing team.

Staff receive supervision meetings and attend mandatory training. However, they do not always receive accurate feedback on their individual practice to help them improve their skills and knowledge further. Consequently, there are some weaknesses in the quality of education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to implement the curriculum intentions more precisely, particularly during periods of free play strengthen the key-person system so that all staff are aware of support plans in place for children who need them provide staff with more accurate feedback on their practice to build on the quality of education.

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