Sandhills Day Nursery Heath Mill

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About Sandhills Day Nursery Heath Mill

Name Sandhills Day Nursery Heath Mill
Website http://_Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Heath Mill House, Heath Mill Road, Wombourne, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, WV5 8AP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Children are happy and settled in the nursery. Staff work together as a strong team and they form good relationships with children.

Children enjoy their time at the nursery. They are familiar with daily routines, such as washing their hands before meals and after using the toilet. This helps them to develop self-care skills.

Children have daily opportunities to be outdoors and active. Young children enjoy climbing through a tunnel, using hoops and developing their balance as they cross the obstacle course. Leaders plan an appropriate curriculum that focuses on embedding children's prime areas of development.

Howe...ver, some staff do not consistently implement the curriculum successfully through quality teaching and interactions with children. In addition, staff are not clear enough about what they want children to learn. Staff do not focus planning and teaching closely enough on what each child needs to learn next.

Staff are kind and give children encouragement. They comment positively on their achievements. This helps children to build their self-confidence.

Staff provide children with clear messages about expected behaviour. Children are reminded of the rules they should follow and are learning to play cooperatively. Staff encourage children to take turns as they play.

As a result, children behave well. They demonstrate a sense of belonging and show an understanding of the setting's expectations.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide staff with supervision and support and identify some areas where they can make improvements.

They have regular meetings and observe staff's practice in the rooms. However, the quality of interactions between staff and children is variable. Staff do not consistently challenge children's thinking, ask probing questions and motivate their curiosity.

Therefore, children do not always receive good-quality teaching to help them learn as much as they can.Leaders understand what children need to learn to prepare them for their next stage in learning, and school. Children select resources and activities based on their interests.

Staff carry out regular observations and assessments. However, staff do not always sequence children's learning through effective planning and focusing on next steps, to ensure that children consistently make the progress of which they are capable.Staff provide some support for babies and young children.

They adhere to their sleeping routines, and children naturally seek the comfort and reassurance of familiar staff. However, some staff do not demonstrate a secure understanding of the development needs of the youngest children.The nursery provides children with healthy, home-cooked meals and nutritious snacks throughout the day.

Through play and discussion, children learn about being healthy and good oral health. Staff regularly promote children's independence during the daily routine. For example, children learn to serve their own snacks and lunch where possible.

Staff act as role models and use gentle and reassuring language. This has a positive impact on children's emotional well-being. Children develop some communication and language skills.

They enjoy joining in with songs and rhymes. Children make marks as they paint and they use tools to mould dough. Older children create towers and staff encourage them to count the number of bricks as they build.

They are introduced to mathematical concepts, such as full and empty, as they play with water.Staff have secure relationships with parents. There is a two-way flow of communication with parents to share key information about children.

For example, parents inform staff of children's likes and dislikes, and if they have any allergies, before they start. Staff use a variety of ways to keep parents regularly informed about their child's development and progress.Staff meet together and with parents, to discuss children's development and any concerns they may have.

They use information from assessments to make referrals when any gaps in learning are identified. Staff work in partnership with other professionals to help support children's development. Staff say they feel supported in their roles through open discussions and training.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date build on the arrangements for the professional development of staff to raise the quality of teaching to a consistently good level 31/01/2025 ensure all children receive high-quality learning experiences that build on what they already know and can do 31/01/2025 ensure all staff working with babies and the youngest children have the appropriate knowledge and skills to meet children's needs effectively.


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