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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children blossom in this nurturing and highly inclusive nursery where every child really does matter. Children's uniqueness is celebrated and embraced. Leaders and staff work exceptionally hard to remove any potential barriers to engagement so that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who speak English as an additional language, benefit from the impressive levels of care and education on offer.
Children from diverse backgrounds, and with very diverse needs, learn to play together with exceptionally high levels of care and empathy.Staff have an excellent awarene...ss of the links between children's well-being and their ability to meet their full potential. They use a highly effective key-person system to its full effect to help ensure every child's care and learning needs are exceptionally well understood.
Outstanding care and support for individual children and their families is reflected in children's excellent sense of security, confidence and high levels of motivation to play and learn. Accurate assessment and multi-agency planning help to ensure that children who need support are swiftly identified and their needs met. Children's achievement is excellent.
Children who are disadvantaged make impressive strides in their development. Staff use expert strategies to support the development of children's social, physical and communication skills. Children savour new vocabulary and show awe, wonder and excitement as they are exposed to many rich new experiences.
Staff's high expectations result in children developing very high levels of self-care and the key skills needed to support their future learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leadership is impressive. Excellent monitoring, assessment and communication of needs means that local and individual priorities for children are extremely well understood.
Consistent focus on teaching these target areas significantly improves outcomes for them. Leaders have shaped nursery provision to help tackle some poor attainment in communication and language and high obesity rates in the area. Following training and involvement in new local initiatives, the nursery has been awarded the highest levels of accreditation for the quality of their provision in promoting children's physical development and their communication and language skills.
Leaders want the very best for the children attending the nursery and are highly motivated to achieve this.Staff skilfully adapt activities, making excellent use of children's immediate interests to promote their learning. They also enhance the learning environment to an outstanding level.
For instance, children freely access a wide range of equipment which they combine and use in imaginative ways to investigate and extend their ideas. This creates the best conditions to support the deep-level thinking needed to sustain their excellent progress. Babies gasp with delight as they experience the sensory delight of a messy mixture dripping from their fingers.
Older children persist and try very hard to chop cucumber into four pieces, before being challenged to calculate how many pieces are left after taking one away to eat.Staff have a deep understanding of how children learn. They maximise every opportunity to help children develop the skills they need to progressively support the next step in their learning.
For example, staff provide streamers and other opportunities for children to develop shoulder movement in outside play, to help to support later writing skills.Children's physical health is extremely well promoted. They are highly nourished through the provision of an exceptionally well-planned and varied range of meals, which have been analysed by a dietician.
Leaders use their partnerships with other professionals to the best effect. For example, health professionals have contributed to the exceptionally detailed planning and staff training to meet children's unique healthcare requirements.Staff use a wide range of expert strategies to promote communication.
They make excellent use of sign language and pictures to enhance children's understanding, particularly when they are non-verbal. Staff purposely manipulate opportunities, known as 'sabotage', to help to increase children's temptation to speak or respond. Staff recognise and capture unique moments to capitalise on children's interests to broaden their experiences and vocabulary.
The nursery is held in the highest regard and frequently pilots improvement programmes for the local authority. Parents also rate the nursery very highly. Typical comments include that the nursery is 'phenomenal' or 'amazing'.
They are highly appreciative of everything the nursery does for them and their children, saying, 'I don't know where we would be without them'. Staff are highly responsive to the needs of families, swiftly responding when families need support the most. Staff work hard to encourage parents to support children's learning at home, including, for example, providing books, activities and mark-making sets to take home.
Leaders are already planning even more ways to extend parental engagement.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding children is given utmost priority and is underpinned by exemplary partnership working.
Parents develop very high levels of trust due to the strength of relationships staff develop with them. This enables staff to ensure families are provided with the support they need. Links with local health and social care professionals to help protect and promote children's welfare are excellent.
Any accidents or incidents are robustly investigated and are used as a mechanism to drive improvement. Risk assessment is thorough and includes staff deployment and training. For example, high-level individual support is provided to meet children's complex health or development needs.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.