Schools Out

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About Schools Out

Name Schools Out
Address Amberly Slope Primary School, Amberly Slope, Werrington, PETERBOROUGH, Cambridgeshire, PE4 6QG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Peterborough
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settled at the club. They enjoy the time they spend here interacting with their friends.

Staff provide a welcoming and fun environment that helps to keep children engaged in their play. Children enjoy participating in a variety of activities both indoors and out and can independently access a wide choice of resources. Children's physical development is supported well.

They enjoy learning new skills in the large outdoor area. For example, children learn how to climb and balance on the trim trail and throw balls into the netball nets. Staff interact with children throughout the day and act as positive ...role models.

This supports children's behaviour as they play cooperatively with their friends. Children enjoy healthy snack times. Staff provide a wide choice of fruit and salad items, which children can grow and pick themselves.

Children build strong relationships with the staff who are caring and responsive to their needs. Key persons help younger children to feel confident and secure as they familiarise themselves with the club. For example, talking them through the daily routine so they understand the snack and lunchtime procedures.

Children benefit from consistent routines that have a positive impact on their emotional well-being, such as younger children being collected from classrooms by the same staff member.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and her deputy support the staff team successfully to offer a welcoming, fun and safe environment that supports children's individual needs and interests well.The manager implements the club's safeguarding procedures effectively.

Staff undertake regular training, play opportunities are risk assessed and staff are deployed to create a safe environment for children to explore.The arrangements for settling children into the club are effective. The manager and staff have excellent working relationships with both parents and the teaching staff at the host school the children attend.

This ensures that children receive good continuity in their care and ensures play opportunities take into account children's interests. Children are assigned a key person. This provides children with a familiar member of staff to build relationships with and support them as they settle in at the club.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff hold meetings with parents and collect detailed information about their child's needs prior to them attending. This allows the staff to plan and prepare to ensure the children's individual needs are met while in their care.

Children confirm they enjoy their time at the club. They independently access a wide variety of activities. Children develop very good social skills and demonstrate excellent behaviour and kindness to each other.

Older children are happy to support younger children and invite them to join in their games.Children are supported to be independent in their care practices. Staff promote healthy eating and create a friendly atmosphere as they join the children for snack and lunchtimes.

Children are given clear and consistent messages that support healthy-food choices and are encouraged to try new foods. For example, children get to taste tomatoes before going on to plant the seeds that they will then go on to harvest.Children particularly enjoy spending time in the large outdoor play area.

This helps support children's physical and emotional development. Staff support children to take calculated risks as they play with a wide range of outdoor equipment provided for them. For example, younger children are keen to demonstrate new skills they have learned as they stride across the play area on balancing stilts.

Older children tell visitors how they collect fruit from trees in the nature area and use them to create delicious puddings.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff team are knowledgeable about safeguarding procedures and their responsibility for keeping children safe from harm.

For example, they know how to recognise possible signs and symptoms of abuse and the importance of raising concerns quickly. The manager ensures the training that staff receive covers broader areas of safeguarding, such as the 'Prevent' duty guidance and female genital mutilation. The manager and staff use risk assessments effectively to maintain the safety of children and reduce the risk of accidents and incidents.

Also at this postcode
Werrington Primary School

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