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About School’s Out Activities At Woodbridge School
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff provide a relaxing and fun environment for children. The children receive a warm welcome from staff and eagerly explore the activities on offer.
Children are self-motivated and confident as they choose what to do, where, and who to play with. Children confidently talk to visitors. They invite the inspector to join in with their play and talk about what they have made and what they like to do.
Children take great pride in their achievements, such as using the building blocks to create a van and showing their skills to drop kick a football. Children play happily with their friends and clearly enjoy their time at the cl...ub. They show excitement and enthusiasm, as they take part in experiences, such as a parachute game, bouncy castle and craft activities.
Staff are positive role models and have high expectations for the children's behaviour. They encourage good manners, sharing and turn taking. As a result, children behave well.
Children listen attentively to staff's instructions and requests. They respond positively to routines and boundaries, to keep themselves and others safe. Children form good relationships with staff, which helps to support their emotional well-being.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The enthusiastic owner, who is also the manager, has an effective management team that shares his enthusiasm. He is passionate about providing a high-quality, inclusive environment. The manager holds regular team meetings, appraisals and one-to-one meetings with staff.
This helps ensure continuous improvements in the quality of the provision as he continues to evaluate staff practice and consider changes. The management team are experienced and work hard to ensure they recruit staff that understand their roles and responsibilities.Children's play environment is stimulating.
Staff offer a varied, interesting and well-organised range of activities. Children's interests and opinions are valued. They are given the opportunity to choose resources and activities they want to play with.
The staff change activities daily and link them to themes or seasons. Children continue to have opportunities to develop their physical skills in bad weather. For example, they use the indoor sports dome where the children can play challenging games, run around, and jump on the inflatable bouncy castle.
Children are well mannered, respectful and show good levels of independence. They listen well to what is asked of them, following the 'club rules' of 'choice, play, put away'. Children know to ask if they need to leave the room to use the toilet and an adult will accompany them.
Staff carry out daily risk assessments to ensure rooms and equipment are safe and fit for purpose. There are effective procedures in place, such as drop off and collection, and supervision, which ensure children are kept safe.Partnerships with parents are effective.
Parents talk about how organised and attentive staff are. They comment that their children have a fantastic time and cannot wait to come again. They value the procedures in place to help keep their children safe and secure during their time at the club.
For example, staff gather relevant information, such as children's medical needs and allergies, from parents.Staff establish good relationships with children and there are lively interactions throughout the day. Children join in conversations with staff about things they like to play with and what they have made.
They are always keen to take part in activities and to try new things. Staff are attentive and ask children questions as they talk about their interests.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of how to keep children safe and protected from harm. They are aware of the possible signs of abuse and neglect, and understand the wider issues surrounding child protection. Staff recognise their safeguarding responsibilities and the correct procedure they must follow if they are worried about a child.
They know to take concerns to the safeguarding lead. Staff complete safeguarding and first-aid training. The manager ensures that all staff are suitable for their role and has procedures in place to check staff's ongoing suitability.