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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are greeted warmly on arrival by the kind, caring and nurturing staff team.
They arrive at the after-school club happy and settle quickly. For example, children enjoy playing golf together and teaching one another the rules. They establish trusting bonds with staff, who are patient and gentle in their approach.
This effectively supports children's emotional well-being and helps them to grow in confidence as they explore their surroundings.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. Children behave very well and promptly respond to staff instructions.
For example, they quickly respond when staff... ring a bell to come in for snack time. Children know the routines well. This results in a calm and happy atmosphere full of laughter and joy.
The provider's ethos promotes children to have 'fun, learn and move'. Staff offer an abundance of activities and resources for children to select from. For example, children strengthen their leg muscles while climbing obstacles, and kicking footballs outside.
In addition, children have the opportunity to play sports on the large play field or explore the 'trim trail'. This helps children to be physically active in play after the school day.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager is committed in her approach to ensuring that children receive the highest quality care.
Children benefit from high-quality interactions with staff. Together they build trusting relationships, which help children to build their confidence even further. For instance, staff encourage less confident children to answer a question at quiz time.
Children give it a go and put up their hand. Staff enthusiastically celebrate this with children and they give them praise for their effort. Children are beginning to understand what makes them unique.
The manager and staff provide an environment for children to socialise with their friends. The room is filled with excited conversations between children about their ideas. Children interact positively with their peers and collaborate in their play.
For example, they delight in telling visitors how they have a pretend pet snake. Children happily play with others and join in the imaginary play together. This helps children to have the social skills they need for building relationships.
Staff give children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) the extra attention and support they may need to join in and enjoy the club. For example, staff stay close by for children with SEND as they enter the room. These children happily greet others with a big smile and hug.
They are soon fully involved with all the fun activities on offer. All children receive the individualised care they need.Children are extremely engaged and motivated in play.
They independently select what they would like to do and demonstrate good concentration and perseverance in their chosen tasks. For example, younger children enjoy clambering on climbing equipment. They continue to try hard in this initially challenging task and staff praise them when they achieve what they set out to do.
This nurtures children's self-esteem well.Staff have highly effective partnerships with the host school. They regularly share information about children to support their welfare and well-being.
Staff work closely with the school's head teacher. This helps to support children's continuity of care.The provider is passionate about supporting the staff's continual professional development.
For example, the robust induction programme includes time with senior staff and opportunities to shadow them. This helps new staff to understand the company's ethos and policies. In addition, managers support staff with regular feedback and targeted actions for improvement.
Managers recognise that some staff need further support in communication skills to ensure that they know how to report information to others more clearly.Parents say that the staff are friendly and approachable. They feel that they meet children's needs well.
Parents appreciate the continuity of a stable staff team and say they know them well. Parents speak positively about their children's experiences and say that they enjoy physical activities. Parents value these opportunities for children to have fun and be active.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff know their responsibilities to safeguard children. They attend regular training to keep their knowledge up to date.
Staff know how to spot signs and symptoms if a child was at risk of harm, such as neglect. They know where to report if they have concerns over a child's welfare. Managers know the correct procedures to follow if they receive an allegation about a member of staff.
Staff carry out thorough daily risk assessments. For example, they ensure that all food is appropriately cut to avoid choking. This minimises the risk to children.