Scl At Banstead Junior School

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About Scl At Banstead Junior School

Name Scl At Banstead Junior School
Address Banstead Junior School, The Horseshoe, Banstead, SM7 2BQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are extremely happy and show high levels of enthusiasm. They are eager to take part in the high-quality indoor and outdoor activities that staff provide. Children enjoy making juggling balls out of rice and balloons.

They excitedly learn to juggle with their friends. Children develop good physical skills. For example, staff provide a range of opportunities for children to be physically active.

They enthusiastically join in playing darts to pop balloons. Older children challenge each other to knock down obstacles when they use juggling balls to play tenpin bowling. Younger children laugh with happiness as they tell... staff about their day.

Staff join in the children's conversation about their home lives with interest and ask questions. Children benefit from positive staff role models. For instance, staff are extremely kind, well organised, and demonstrate new skills with enthusiasm.

This helps children to settle quickly, to understand expectations, and feel secure. They show kindness and respect as they speak and listen to the staff and each other. For example, children help each other to open their lunch boxes, peel fruit and tidy away.

Children are keen to listen to stories, play and join in games. They listen, take turns and help to make up rules for games with each other. Staff offer the children the opportunity to play quieter games and rest when needed.

For instance, they play board games and colour. The younger children, who enjoy time to talk to their friends and to relax, appreciate this.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children exceptionally well.

They liaise effectively with the children's teachers and parents in order to meet all their needs. This reflects in the children's exemplary behaviour as they enthusiastically greet staff and share stories of their school day and home lives.Staff have developed strong bonds with the children that attend.

Staff are extremely sensitive to the children's feelings and needs. They spend time talking to the children and supporting them to find solutions to experiences that they are finding difficult.The manager provides staff with a robust supervision and training schedule.

The manager and staff are highly committed to providing high-quality care. They continuously strive for improvement and excel at keeping the children safe from harm. Staff feel the manager values their contributions.

They receive excellent levels of support with their health and well-being.Staff encourage children to be independent and to develop an understanding of what food intolerances and allergies are. For instance, they provide plenty of opportunities for the children to demonstrate their developing independence by collecting their own belongings and tidying away.

However, at times, staff do not always extend children's understanding of healthy lifestyles and the importance of drinking plenty of water and making healthy food choices.Staff match activities to the children's interests and to the themes they are learning at school to consolidate and extend their learning even further. Children value the exciting and wide variety of both indoor and outdoor activities that staff provide at the club.

For instance, they enjoy outdoor darts, team games and bowling. They are enthusiastic about the activities available. They demonstrate this as they excitedly make their own pictures and join in team games and dance routines.

Partnerships with parents are effective. For instance, parents praise the staff for knowing their children so well. They report that staff deal with their queries promptly.

Parents feel confident leaving their children in the staff's care and comment on how the children always look forward to attending and talk about it excitedly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
The Horseshoe Community Pre-School Banstead Community Junior School Banstead Infant School

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